Examples of Contracted entity in a sentence
The Contracted entity shall at all times indemnify, defend, hold and save harmless the Municipality and the agents, representatives, and employees of the Municipality, against any and all suits, claims, costs, charges, and expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, by reason of any damages or claims for damages arising from the negligence of the contractor, his agents, representatives and employees, or from the performance of the Power Purchase Agreement.
Specify the entity: Contracted entity or DPHHS completes inital Level of care evaluations.
Contracted entity must pay an administrative fee of $50,000 per School Packet per year to the City of Chicago, Chicago Department of Public Health.
On the negative side, one thing that hasn’t changed is the small number of PhD degrees granted.
However, Contracted entity also has the option of paying the administrative fee three times per year if a request is made within 10 business days after receipt of the School Packet.
Contracted entity and subcontractors must ensure that the training required by CMS (GC & FWA) is not modified from the original version available on the Medicare Learning Network.
Report from Contracted entity doing economic development activities on behalf of the City detailing how City funds are spentMunicipalities - Fiscal years, budgets, and budget amendments (166.241)1.
Report from Contracted entity doing economic development activities on behalf of the City detailing how City funds are spent Municipalities - Fiscal years, budgets, and budget amendments (166.241)1.
Other major provisions of those agreements are set out as follows: Contracted entity Mr Lim has entered into a director contract where he is paid $40,000 per annum.
In closing, let me record my thanks to my fellow Directors for their wise counsel, guidance and unstinting support during the year.