Convention support order definition

Convention support order means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in section 102(e)(iv).
Convention support order means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign
Convention support order means a support order of a

Examples of Convention support order in a sentence

  • The following grounds are the only grounds on which a tribunal of this State may refuse recognition and enforcement of a registered Convention support order.

  • Convention support order" means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in section 2802, subsection 3‑A.[PL 2009, c.

  • A challenge or appeal, if any, does not stay the enforcement of a Convention support order unless there are exceptional circumstances.[PL 2009, c.

  • If the nonregistering party fails to contest the registered Convention support order by the time specified in subsection 2, the order is enforceable.[PL 2009, c.

  • Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, a party who is an individual or a support enforcement agency seeking recognition of a Convention support order shall register the order in this State as provided in subchapter 6.[PL 2009, c.

More Definitions of Convention support order

Convention support order means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in Section 63‑17‑2910(5)(d).
Convention support order means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in section 252K.102, subsection 5, paragraph “d”.
Convention support order means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in RCW 26.21A.010(5)(d).
Convention support order means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in paragraph (4) of subsection e. of section 2 of this act.
Convention support order means an order of a tribunal of a foreign country in which the convention is in force with respect to the United States.
Convention support order means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in G.S. 52C-1-101(3a)d.
Convention support order means ana support order of a tribunal of a foreign country in which the convention is in force with respect to the United Statesdescribed in subdivision d of subsection 5 of section