Corner site definition
Examples of Corner site in a sentence
As a result of this BCBC terminated the agreement for the lease relating to the Maritime Centre at the Cosy Corner site.
The Wards Corner site is a prominent site located on the Western side of Tottenham High Road comprises 227 to 259 High Road 709 – 723 Seven Sisters Road 1a – 11 West Green Road and 8 – 30 Suffield Road which are 2/3 storey Victorian properties.
Corner site on Faithful Avenue and 64th Street for high visibility and ease of access.Major ArterialsParcels with convenient ac- cess to major arterials including: Marquis Drive, Idylwyld Drive andWanuskewin Road.Industrial ZoningFlexible zoning to accommodate a variety of land uses, including retail.
The site was installed in July 2002 to replace the Eleven Mile Corner site, which wasapproximately 1 mile to the south.
The land covered by the brief included Apex House, however the brief focused on the Wards Corner site which is the one which was thought to be most likely to come forward for development.