Corporation Meeting definition
Examples of Corporation Meeting in a sentence
The Corporation may amend an Instrument or Article by a majority resolution at a Corporation Meeting providing that no changes would result in the Corporation ceasing to be a Charity.
D.3 Receipt Of Minutes From The Community Development ("Type B") Corporation Meeting Of August 11, 2020.
The Chair stated that it would be beneficial for an Apprenticeship update focussing on income vs expenditure for apprentices and BIE to be presented at the April Corporation Meeting – this was agreed.
April Gilliland April Gilliland, City Secretary NOTICE In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Liberty will provide reasonable accommodation for persons attending and/or participating in this Corporation Meeting.
If such notice has been delivered prior to the date of the Corporation Meeting, the Corporation Meeting shall be adjourned or postponed until the expiry of such period.
Agreed: That the Report be received and the current position be noted.Action: That an Apprenticeship update focussing on income vs expenditure for apprentices and BIE be presented at the April Corporation Meeting.
This report is expected to be delivered before the end of 2017.The roadmap is intended as a tool to assistlocal government and community organisations across the state.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Powell Development Corporation Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2023PDC Minutes 05232023.pdf MOTION: Ryan Herchenroether moved to approve the Powell Development Corporation Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2023.
Agreed: That the position be noted.Action: That the Partnerships spreadsheet be presented in landscape going forward.That a RAG rating be used for next year’s contracts.That an update on the current position be presented at the April Corporation Meeting.
Chairman Jim Hrivnak called the June 27, 2023 Powell Development Corporation Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members in attendance included Jim Hrivnak, Daniel Swartwout, Andrew White, Nicole Scott, and Ryan Herchenroether.