Corridor management plan definition

Corridor management plan means a written document:
Corridor management plan means a written document that specifies theactions, procedures, controls, operational practices, andadministrative strategies to maintain the scenic, historic, recreational, cultural,archeological, and natural qualities of the scenic byway.
Corridor management plan means a written document that specifies the actions, procedures, controls, operational practices, and administrative strategies to maintain the scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, archeological, and natural qualities of the scenic byway.

Examples of Corridor management plan in a sentence

  • H-JAIA Concourse C Midpoint Expansion Fulton/Clayton Project Name County DescriptionI-20/I-26/I-77: Corridor ImprovementLexington/Richland/Fairfield Counties Corridor management plan (MM 34 TO MM 48)I-20/I-26/I-126 - Corridor Improvements Project NameCountyDescription Piedmont Improvement Program Mecklenburg CountySources: State DOTs’ STIPs and MPOs’ TIPs and LRTPs GEORGIA PROJECTS SUMMARY 10Projects in Georgia fall into two categories: rail-related and non-rail.

  • Additional laparoscopic intra-operative footage was obtained at Prince Charles Hospital (Cwm Taf UHB, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales).

  • This holds the idea of all possible worlds being not just possible but real.Accepting reality as a probabilistic - a cloud- rather than a deterministic concept - a clock- would be compatible with the uncertainty commonly experienced in medical research and practice.

  • No transfer enrollment will be entertained without IACTED’s Admissions office prior approval.

  • The extension includes the addition of the Moravia Rail museum and Honey Creek State Park and Resort recreation and visitor amenities. Corridor management plan was completed—this document will guide future programming and development along the Byway.Museum Guide and Crawl The “Southeast Iowa Museum Guide” is a publication that highlights and directs travelers to 39 of southeast Iowa’s museums.

  • Foxconn hereby pledges its commitment to obey international and industrial provisions on conflict minerals.

  • Craig Bruder made the motion to approve the letter of support for the Shires Corridor management plan.

  • However, in such cases the NPPF says “due weight should be given to relevant policies in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with this framework (the closer the policies in the plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)”.

  • Project Authorization (Z5) issued under Master Agreement (2006-0018) between MDOT and the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments will provide for implementation of the Heritage Route Corridor management plan for M-119.

  • The Nature Conservancy has also recently completed a management plan, creating new opportunities for collaboration.Finally, the Blackwoods Scenic Byway Corridor management plan was adopted in 2005, and enlists support from several arms of the Maine government to preserve and promote this region.

More Definitions of Corridor management plan

Corridor management plan. (CMP) means a formal policy and plan, elements of which are adopted by a local general purpose government(s) into its comprehensive plan. The CMP addresses the goals, policies and objectives, standards, management strategies, regulatory controls, and practices, and Action Plans by which the designated Florida Scenic Highway corridor will be managed. Each Florida Scenic Highway shall have a CMP intended to maintain, preserve, protect, and enhance the intrinsic resources of the corridor and maintain roadway safety. The CMP also may address the local economy within the designated corridor. “Corridor Video” means a videotape made of the corridor. It simulates or represents the traveler’s experience and will be used by the Scenic Highways Advisory Committee in determining eligibility. “Cultural Resources” are portions of the human environment that express aesthetics, traditions, values, and customs. Traditions are usually associated with distinct groups of people which are passed on from one generation to the next. Cultural Resources may include crafts, music, arts, dance or drama, rituals, festivals, languages, museums, foods, special events, vernacular architecture, and customs practiced by people, either in the past or present.
Corridor management plan means a written document prepared by the local scenic byway committee in accordance with federal policies that specifies the actions, procedures, controls, operational practices, and administrative strategies necessary to maintain the intrinsic qualities of a scenic byway.
Corridor management plan or “CMP” means a written document authored by the local government sponsor that serves as the coordinating plan by which the
Corridor management plan or “CMP” means a written document authored by the local government sponsor that serves as the coordinating plan by which the scenic, historical, recre- ational, cultural, archeological and natural qualities on a desig- nated byway are maintained and promoted.

Related to Corridor management plan

  • Pest Management Plan and “PMP” means the Recipient’s plan dated March 9, 2010, which: (i) addresses the concerns relating to the Project risks associated with potential increases in the use of pesticides for agricultural production, intensification and diversification and controlling disease vector populations arising from irrigation schemes; (ii) sets forth mitigation and monitoring measures to be taken during Project implementation and operation to eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels; (iii) recommends institutional measures to strengthen national capacities to implement the mitigation and monitoring measures; and

  • Management Plan means a plan to manage the activities and protect the special value or values in an Antarctic Specially Protected Area or an Antarctic Specially Managed Area.

  • Forest management plan means a written plan prepared and signed by a qualified forester that prescribes measures to optimize production, utilization, regeneration, and harvest of timber. The forest management plan shall include a schedule and timetables for the various silvicultural practices used on forestlands, which shall be a maximum of 20 years in length. A forest management plan shall include all of the following:

  • Nutrient management plan means a plan developed or approved by the Department of Conservation and Recreation that requires proper storage, treatment and management of poultry waste, including dry litter, and limits accumulation of excess nutrients in soils and leaching or discharge of nutrients into state waters.

  • Procurement Plan means the Recipient’s procurement plan for the Project, dated April 2, 2010, and referred to in paragraph 1.16 of the Procurement Guidelines and paragraph 1.24 of the Consultant Guidelines, as the same shall be updated from time to time in accordance with the provisions of said paragraphs.

  • Key Management Personnel means persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company, directly or indirectly, including any Director (whether executive or otherwise) of the Company;