Examples of Court of Accounts in a sentence
The Court of Accounts, a section within the Supreme Court, is responsible for monitoring and verifying financial disclosures.
In Honduras, the Commissioners are elected by Congress with a two- thirds vote, after nomination by a committee comprised of the President, Attorney General, Human Rights Commission, National Convergence Forum, and Superior Court of Accounts.
The Constitutional Court shall be assisted by the Court of Accounts in performing its task of auditing.
The Constitutional Court shall be assisted in performing its task of auditing by the Court of Accounts.
The Court of Accounts requires officials to identify all assets and liabilities when they start and complete their terms and provide yearly updates throughout their tenure.
The Court of Accounts endorsed the Attorney General’s recommendation that ERSACT negotiate with CAA to resolve the issue.1604.14.16.
On one hand, the decision of the Romanian Court of Accounts prevents ANCOM from contracting external consultancy services needed to develop the cost efficient model, and on the other, the European Commission is to adopt a delegated act setting EU-wide maximum mobile termination rates under Article 75 of the Code.
The next day, 16 February 1996, the Court of Accounts rendered its opinion.
In connection with travel and overnight accommodation, the company will refund the expenses in accordance with the company's travel scale for accommodation and board.
The Department of Public Works recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a license agreement with Carolina Arbors by Xxx Xxxx Homeowners Association, Inc.