Examples of Credit Policy Guidelines in a sentence
Major areas of focus are General Credit Policy Guidelines, Exercise of Lending Authority, Credit Review Process, Credit Risk Rating and Classification System, among others.
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Finance company if a borrower or counterparty to a financial instrument, fails to meet its contractual obligations and arises principally from the Finance company's loans and advances to customers/other banks and investment in debt securities.Credit Risk is being managed through implementation of Credit Policy Guidelines and specific product documents developed for each banking product.
This unit / department ensures that the proposal has been analyzed as well as prepared complying all the necessary rules, regulations, circular, guidelines and recommendation has been made in conformity with the Credit Policy, Guidelines and Credit Norm of our Bank, Bangladesh Bank and any other agency.
The Controlling Officersubmitte, however, that this was because under the Pensions and Insurance Authority (PIA), revised Credit Policy Guidelines issued pursuant to Section 99 of the Insurance Act no 27 of 1997 Act, insurance could be concluded under credit terms as long as the premium was paid within 30 days after the due date of the premium payable, or such period as the contract may stipulate.
In bpr, this is stated in Bank Indonesia Circular Letter Number 14/20/DKBU concerning Credit Policy Guidelines and Procedures for Rural Banks.