Examples of Critical Issues in a sentence
These goals have been utilized by the county for a number of years and after Commissioner review still define the roles of the county:GOAL #1: Public Health and Safety GOAL #2: Sound County Infrastructure GOAL #3: Natural Resources ManagementGOAL #4: Community Growth and Prosperity Within these overall Goals, the St. Louis County Board has identified two Critical Issues upon which to focus additional efforts during the timeframe of this Strategic Plan.
Mission Statement The mission of St. Louis County is to promote health and safety, ensure sound infrastructure, embrace our natural resources, and support an environment where communities prosper.Countywide Goals & Critical Issues The following Goals are general statements of what St. Louis County is working to accomplish in the community.
In addition, specific action plans will be developed annually to address Critical Issues identified by the Board.
Action Planning – Smaller teams of staff leadership were formed to determine effective strategies for addressing each of the Critical Issues, and to outline detailed action plansfor the first year of implementation.
I affirm my personal agreement with the Scottsdale Christian Academy’s Position on Critical Issues, agree to live consistently with the Position on Critical Issues, and agree not to act or advocate against these Positions.