Examples of Critical junctures in a sentence
Shaping the political arena: Critical junctures, the labor movement, and regime dynamics in Latin America.
Critical JuncturesDefinition: Critical junctures are years or time periods when important decisions on the development of the collectively negotiated pension scheme were made.
Critical junctures are periods of crucial change in the history of given countries or other political units that are said to leave distinct legacies.
Critical JuncturesDefinition: Critical junctures are time periods or years when important decisions on the development of the collectively negotiated early retirement scheme were made.
Critical junctures, similar to the “punctuation” in punctuated-equilibria (Baumgartner and Jones) and “windows of opportunity” (Kingdon) portray a time period in which circumstances allow for loosening of the norms, rules, and customs that usually guide an institution/policy.