Cyber City definition
Examples of Cyber City in a sentence
Details of the Auditors of the Company:- NameAddressAuditor sinceB S R & Co. LLP(Firm Registration No. 101248W/W100022)DLF Building No. 10, 12th Floor, Tower C, DLF Cyber City, Phase - II, Gurugram 122002, Haryanaw.e.f 21st September, 2018 ii.
Gawar –Lakhlan (JV) 402, Diamond Tower, Purani Chungi, Ajmer Road, Jaipur2.0 M/s.Kalindee – Paras JV, 2nd Floor Building No. 9 A, Cyber City, DLF Phase – III, Gurgaon – 1220023.0M/s.
The Registered office of the Company is situated at Building No. 10, Tower A, 4th Floor, DLF Cyber City, Gurugram-122002, Haryana w.e.f. August 6, 2021.
U55101DL1986PTC114589 Subsidiary 100 2(87) Sl. NoName and Address of the CompanyCIN/ GLNHolding/ Subsidiary/ Associate% of shares heldApplicable Section 7.MHR Holding (Mauritius) LtdIFS Court, Twenty Eight Cyber City, Ebene, Mauritius.
For any details contact Gaurav Khurana at The envelope should be superscripted as "Declaration for Videocon Industries Limited” in the name of “Anuj Jain Resolution Professional for Videocon Industries Limited” at BSRR & Co., 8th Floor, Building No. 10, DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002:• A declaration that it meets the eligibility criteria.
The registered office of the company is located at 9th floor, Infinity Tower ‘C’, DLF Cyber City, Gurugram, Haryana 122002.The Company is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of Cement and Cement related products at its three locations viz.
VAIDYA B A N K E R S IDBI Bank Limited ICICI Bank Limited HDFC Bank Limited A U D I T O R S Joshi Apte & Co., Chartered Accountants R E G I S T E R E D O F F I C E BF Utilities Limited Mundhwa, Pune Cantonment, Pune 411 036, Maharashtra, India E-mail : CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Cyber City, Tower 15, Level 6, Office 602, Magarpatta City, Hadapsar, Pune 411013.
Details of the Auditors of the Company:- NameAddressAuditor sinceB S R & Co. LLP(Firm Registration No. 101248W/W100022)DLF Building No. 10, 8th Floor, Tower B, DLF Cyber City, Phase - 2, Gurugram 122002, Haryanaw.e.f 21st September, 2018ii.
Having its office atTower B, 7th Floor, Building No. 8 DLF Cyber City, Phase II, Gurgaon HR 122002 IN.
NoParticularsRemarks 1.Corporate Identification NumberL26942HR1958FLC042301 2.Name of the CompanyHeidelbergCement India Limited 3.Registered Address9th Floor, Tower C, Infinity Towers, DLF Cyber City, Phase II, Gurugram, Haryana-122002.