Examples of D Check in a sentence
Indicate the time period (dates) and state and county/tribe/country of the common law marriage.Item D: Check this box if the parents are legally separated.
D Check that the meter has been installed correctly (Please refer to mechanical installation guide - Page 5).D Check that the flow rate and volume units are correctly preprogrammed on the display.D Check that the output module is correctly attached.
D Check box if filing under: Form 5558 automatic extension the DFVC programspecial extension (enter description) Part IIBasic Plan Information—enter all requested information1a Name of plan1b Three-digit plan number (PN) ⏵ 1c Effective date of plan2a Plan sponsor’s name (employer, if for a single-employer plan) Mailing address (include room, apt., suite no.
D Check, if applicable I have a handicap placard or license plate and require a handicapped parking space.
The "D Check Compensation" shall be calculated as follows: [A1-A2/B] x C "A1" is the total number of Flight Hours/Cycles (whichever is applicable and the more limiting factor) remaining on the Aircraft until the next scheduled D check in accordance with LESSEE's FAA approved maintenance program as of the Return Occasion.