Daily cover definition
Daily cover means that cover applied to the working face of the solid waste land disposal facility on a daily basis.
Daily cover means cover material that is a minimum of six inches of depth or as approved by the Department in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26-2A.8(b)14.
Daily cover means cover placed on compacted MSW on the active face.
Examples of Daily cover in a sentence
Daily cover soil or an approved alternative will be placed over the waste at the end of each working day.
Daily cover generally consists of 6 inches of compacted soil or alternative daily cover (ADC) material; and intermediate cover consists of 12 inches (minimum) of soil.
Daily cover shall also be consistent with the Form R for this facility.
Receipt and disposal of solid waste by sanitary landfills shall be performed between 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Daily cover as required by section 6.05(B) of this ordinance shall be completed by 12:00 midnight.
Daily cover will be applied over the active portion of the landfill at the end of each day of waste placement.
More Definitions of Daily cover
Daily cover means a compacted layer of at least six inches of soil or other cover material, in an amount approved by the department, that is placed on all exposed solid waste in a landfill at the end of each day of operation, except for recyclable materials properly located in a salvage area.
Daily cover means that cover which is placed over refuse and compacted at the end of an operating day.
Daily cover means a compacted layer of at least 0.15 metre of soil or functionally equivalent depth of other cover material that is placed on all exposed solid waste at the end of each day that municipal solid waste is discharged at the landfill.
Daily cover means using waste tire material as an alternate cover placed upon exposed solid waste to control disease vectors, fires, odors, blowing litter and scavenging, without presenting a threat to human health or the environment.
Daily cover means using processed waste tires as an alternate cover placed upon exposed solid waste in a permitted solid waste facility to control disease vectors, fires, odors, blowing litter and scavenging, without presenting a threat to human health or the environment.
Daily cover means a layer of compacted earth, or other suitable material as approved by the Department, used
Daily cover means cover material that is spread and compacted on the top and side slopes of compact solid waste (to densities averaging 593 kilograms/cubic meter (1,000 pounds/cubic yard)) at the end of each operating day in order to control vectors, fire, moisture and erosion and to assure an aesthetic appearance.