Examples of DAS Area in a sentence
A mixed methods approach using predominantly qualitative research techniques was developed to take account of personal experiences.
For example, if it is projected that common pool vessels will be responsible for 1.2 times the GOM cod sub-ACL and 1.1 times the CC/GOM yellowtail flounder sub-ACL, the Regional Administrator shall implement a differential DAS counting factor of 1.2 to any Category A DAS fished by common pool vessels only within the Inshore GOM Differential DAS Area during the following fishing year.
The Inshore GOM Differential DAS Area applies to the following stocks of regulated species: White hake, pollock, GOM cod, GOM haddock, CC/GOM yellowtail flounder, GOM win- ter flounder, and Atlantic wolffish.
The Offshore GOM Differential DAS Area applies to the following stocks of regulated species: GOM had- dock, white hake, pollock, redfish, witch flounder, American plaice, and Atlantic halibut.
For example, if the Regional Administrator projects that common pool vessels will catch 1.18 times the sub-ACL for GOM cod during fishing year 2010, the Regional Administrator shall implement a differential DAS counting factor of 1.2 to all Category A DAS used by common pool vessels only within the Inshore GOM Differential DAS Area during fishing year 2011 (i.e., Category A DAS will be charged at a rate of 28.8 hr for every 24 hr fished—1.2 times 24-hr DAS counting).
The Inshore GB Differential DAS Area applies to the following stocks of regu- lated species: Witch flounder, Amer- ican plaice, white hake, Atlantic hal- ibut, redfish, pollock, CC/GOM yellowtail flounder, GB cod, GB had- dock, SNE/MA winter flounder, and At- lantic wolffish.
The SNE/MA Differential DAS Area ap- plies to the following stocks of regu- lated species or ocean pout: SNE/MA winter flounder, SNE/MA yellowtail flounder, southern windowpane floun- der, and ocean pout.
On any trip in which a vessel declares, prior to leaving the dock, that it will be fishing in the GOM Differential DAS Area under a Category A DAS, the vessel will be charged at the differential DAS rate for the entire fishing trip, even if only a portion of the trip is spent fishing in the GOM Differential DAS Area.
A vessel that fishes in both the GOM Differential Area and the SNEDifferential DAS Area on the same trip will be charged DAS at the rate of 2 to1 for the entire trip.(B) Differential DAS counting whenfishing in the SNE Differential DAS Area.
For example, if it is projected that common pool vessels will be responsible for 1.2 times the GOM cod sub-ACL and 1.1 times the CC/ GOM yellowtail flounder sub-ACL, the Regional Administrator shall imple-ment a differential DAS counting fac- tor of 1.2 to any Category A DAS fished by common pool vessels only within the Inshore GOM Differential DAS Area during the following fishing year.