Data in Use definition
Examples of Data in Use in a sentence
Data in Use: Finally, once the data has been collected and stored, it is necessary to run analytics over the data to derive value from the collected information.
Data in Use Homomorphic Encryption, Verifiable Computation Currently none of the technologies has been adopted Encryption Algorithms seem to not be ideal for the data- processing intensive BOUNCE ecosystem because of performance and efficiency issues that they may introduce.
A multi-port memory supports multiple simultaneous ac- cesses to content stored in the same memory bank.
While all are important, Data in Use is the segment that is most frequently overlooked, in part because it’s a hard problem to solve but also because, until fairly recently, there was a lack of scalable, practical, commercial-ready solu- tions.
According to (Lawton, 2008), an organization’s data can be classified into three states: a) Data in Motion (DIM): data in the process of being transmitted over the network, b) Data at Rest (DAR): data in file systems, FTP servers, and c) Data in Use (DIU): data at a network endpoint, like a desktop computer or a USB device.
To help visualise the concept of Data in Use protection, imagine encryption as a vault protecting sensi- tive data.
Data at Rest, or information already in the cloud, Data in Transit, or Data in Use, or information leaving the cloud, all pose risks to cloud security.
The AI hierarchy follows a data management flow consisting of (DRUMTC): Data in Collect: data being sensed Data in Transit: data in the pipeline being sent Data in Motion: data dynamically machine processed Data in Use: data user deems relevant (e.g., labeled) Data at Rest: data statistically being learned Data in Display: data results and statisticsEach of these stages could have a variety of mandates, policies or guidelines that determine the process needs.
CPA also supports several mobile clients including Blackberry, iOS, and Android; therefore, CPA is interested in roadmaps provided by Software Publishers as it pertains to implementing Mobile Device Management (MDM) Systems which may involve the need for related DLP Solution Data in Use and/or Data in Motion capabilities.
This model states that data can be in one of three states:• Data at Rest (DaR): Data that is stored in a database or file system (storage).• Data in Motion (DiM): Data that is being transferred from a database or file system to a place where it will be processed (networking).• Data in Use (DiU): Data that is currently being processed by an application and processor (com- puting).In the next three sections the different methods which can be used to segregate data in the different states will be discussed.