Deemed Energy Payment definition
Examples of Deemed Energy Payment in a sentence
The Buyer shall pay to the Seller the Deemed Energy Payment for all Deemed Energy accruing in each Billing Period calculated in terms of clause 14 (Consequences of a System Event), clause 15 (Consequences of a Compensation Event) and Schedule 5 (Deemed Energy Payment).
The Deemed Energy Payment shall be calculated as provided in Paragraph A3 below.
Without derogating from NamPower's obligation to pay the Deemed Energy Payment as aforesaid, NamPower shall notify the Seller promptly: upon the occurrence of any event resulting in the Transmission System being unable to operate or events affecting system stability; and/or if NamPower determines that maintenance of the Transmission System is required prior to the next Scheduled Transmission System Outage and that an Unscheduled Transmission System Outage is required.
While a Dispute is continuing, the Parties are required to continue to perform their respective obligations, including the payment of the Energy Payment and/or Deemed Energy Payment, under this Agreement until such dispute has been fully and finally resolved.
The Deemed Energy Payment shall be calculated as follows: Payment for electricity produced for the Billed Period shall be based on the Base Tariff.
The Deemed Energy Payment for the Billing period, from NamPower to the Seller, shall be: Deemed Energy Payment = Indexed Tariff x Deemed Net Energy for Billing Period.
NamPower shall pay to the Seller: for each Billing Period during the Term (including the Billing Period in which the Commercial Operation Date occurs), the Energy Payment (as per Annexure C (Energy Payment)); and for the duration of the Deemed Commercial Operation Period, if it occurs, the Deemed Energy Payment.
Should the Transmission Unavailability be in excess of the Transmission Unavailability Threshold on an annual basis for reasons other than Force Majeure, NamPower shall be liable to pay the Deemed Energy Payment for the period or periods during which such Transmission Unavailability Threshold is exceeded during a Contract Year.
In the event the Customer suffers any loss or damage as a result of NamPower’s failure to keep the Point of Connection energised as a result of a Transmission Default the Customer shall be entitled to compensation according to the Deemed Energy Payment provisions of the PPA.
Our results reveal a rich and diverse East Bay agroecosystem (i.e. the network of urban farmers and their connection to and interaction with food justice organizations, NGOs, food policy councils, school gardens, and other food system actors) engaged in varying capacities to fundamentally transform the use of urban space and the regional food system by engaging the public in efforts to stabilize, improve, and sustainably scale urban food production and distribution.