Deferred sales load definition

Deferred sales load means any amount properly chargeable to sales or promotional expenses that is paid by a shareholder after purchase but before or upon redemption;
Deferred sales load means any sales load, including a contingent de- ferred sales load, that is deducted upon redemption or annuitization of amounts representing all or a portion of a securityholder’s interest in a sepa- rate account;
Deferred sales load means any amount properly chargeable to sales or promotional expenses that is paid by a shareholder after purchase but before or upon redemption.[61 FR 49016, Sept. 17, 1996] § 270.6d–1 Exemption for certain closed-end investment companies.

More Definitions of Deferred sales load

Deferred sales load means any amount properly chargeable to sales or promotional expenses that is paid by a shareholder after purchase but before or upon redemption.[61 FR 49016, Sept. 17, 1996]§ 270.6c–11 Exchange-traded funds.
Deferred sales load means any sales load, including a contingent de- ferred sales load, that is deducted upon17 CFR Ch. II (4–1–15 Edition)redemption or annuitization of amounts representing all or a portion of a securityholder’s interest in a sepa- rate account;
Deferred sales load means processing charges deductible from the Net Asset Value of the Unit to determine the Redemption Price in case of redemption of Units within a certain period of time or at a decreasing rate for every period the Units are held and shall be charged to Unit Holders in instances where no Front-end load is charged. Such charges shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the Net Asset Value and shall be determined by the Management Company from time to time and disclosed in the Offering Document. Any such charges shall be payable to the Management Company and/or its Distributors, as the case may be.
Deferred sales load means processing charges deductible from the Net Asset Value of the Unit to determine the Redemption Price in case of redemption of Units within a certain period of time or at a decreasing rate for every period the Units are held and shall be charged to Unit Holders in instances where no Front-end Load is charged. Such charges shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the Net Asset Value and shall be determined by the Management Company from time to time and disclosed in the Offering Document. Any such charges shall be payable to the Management Company and/or its Distributors, as the case may be.“Contingent Load” means Sales Load payable not exceeding 5% of the Net Asset Value, if Units are redeemed by any major Unit Holder in such period of time that the Management Company believes may adversely affect the interest of other Unit Holder(s). Any Contingent Load received will form part of the Trust Property.
Deferred sales load means processing charges deductible from the Net Asset Value of the Unit to determine the Redemption Price in case of redemption of Units within a certain period of time or at a decreasing rate for every period the Units are held and shall be charged to Unit Holders in instances where no Front-end Load is charged. Such charges shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the Net Asset Value and shall be determined by the Management Company from time to time and disclosed in the Offering Document. Any such charges shall be payable to the Management Company and/or its Distributors, as the case may be.means Sales Load payable not exceeding 5% of the Net Asset Value, if Units are redeemed by any major Unit Holder in such period of time that the Management Company believes may adversely affect the interest of other Unit Holder(s). Any Contingent Load received will form part of the Trust Property. 1
Deferred sales load means any amount propely chargeable to sales or promotional expenses that is or may be deducted directly from a shareholder’s account in one or more installments during the term of the investment, or upon redemption, or both. This term shall include, but is not limited to, a contingent deferred sales load within the meaning of paragraph (c)(4); and
Deferred sales load means any amount properly chargeable to sales or promotional activities that is or may be deducted upon redemption of all or a portion of a securityholder’s interest in an open-end investment company;