Definitive Base Supply Contract definition

Definitive Base Supply Contract means the final draft of the Draft Base Supply Contract, as it may be subsequently amended by one or more Addenda issued in accordance with this RFP.
Definitive Base Supply Contract means the final draft of the Draft Base Supply Contract, as it may be subsequently amended by one or more Addenda issued in accordance with this RFP. “Definitive Project Agreement” means the final draft form of the Initial Draft Project Agreement, as revised and amended from time to time by subsequent Addenda issued in accordance with this RFP. “Derivative Activities” means the steps, activities, processes, and works contemplated in Section 5.3 of Volume 1 of this RFP and “Derivative Activity” means any one of such steps, activities, processes and works.
Definitive Base Supply Contract means the final draft form of the Draft Base Supply Contract, as it may be subsequently amended by one or more Addenda issued in

Examples of Definitive Base Supply Contract in a sentence

  • The Province’s decision in its discretion as to whether or not a Proposal substantially satisfies the requirements of this RFP and the Definitive PA, the Definitive BCA and the Definitive Base Supply Contract will be final and the Province need not consult with any Proponent in making its decision.

  • In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the paper form as issued to Proponents of the Definitive PA, the Definitive BCA or the Definitive Base Supply Contract or this RFP and, either, the same document as issued to Proponents in digital, electronic or other computer readable form, or the same document as posted in the RFP Data Website, the paper form of the applicable document as issued to Proponents will govern and take precedence.

  • The Initial Draft Project Agreement, the Definitive Project Agreement, the Draft BCA, the Definitive BCA, the Draft Base Supply Contract, and the Definitive Base Supply Contract are confidential and are not intended to be made publicly available unless otherwise required by government policy or Law.

  • If a Proponent considers any term of this RFP or the Definitive PA, the Definitive BCA or the Definitive Base Supply Contract to be in conflict with any other part of this RFP or the Definitive PA, the Definitive BCA or the Definitive Base Supply Contract, then the Proponent will notify the Contact Person in writing in accordance with Section 4.4 of Volume 1 of this RFP, giving the details of such apparent conflict and seeking clarification.

  • The negotiations may, in the Province’s discretion, extend to any matter whatsoever, including changes and additions to, and removals of, any one or more aspects or parts, including design, technical, scope, schedule, commercial, risk, financing, pricing aspects or parts, of the Project, the Definitive PA, the Definitive BCA, the Definitive Base Supply Contract or Proponent Supply Contract (as the case may be), the Proposal and the Project Work.

  • If there are any inconsistencies between the terms of the Initial Draft Project Agreement, the Definitive PA, the Draft BCA, the Definitive BCA, the Draft Base Supply Contract, and/or the Definitive Base Supply Contract and the description of those terms set out in this Volume 1 of this RFP, the terms of the Initial Draft Project Agreement, the Definitive PA, the Draft BCA, the Definitive BCA, the Draft Base Supply Contract, and/or the Definitive Base Supply Contract, as applicable, will prevail.

  • The Preferred Proponent will be required to execute and deliver the finalized Definitive Base Supply Contract concurrently with the execution and delivery of the Project Agreement.

  • The Initial Draft Project Agreement, the Definitive Project Agreement, the Draft Base Supply Contract, and the Definitive Base Supply Contract are confidential and not intended to be made publicly available unless otherwise required by government policy or Law.

  • Monitor, oversee, coordinate other elected officers and employees of the Asso- ciation and ensure effective discharge of their functions.

  • A Proponent will be deemed to have accepted the Definitive Base Supply Contract and its Proposal will be deemed based upon the Definitive Base Supply Contract.

More Definitions of Definitive Base Supply Contract

Definitive Base Supply Contract means the final draft of the Draft Base Supply Contract between the Province and Thales, as it may be subsequently amended by one or more Addenda.

Related to Definitive Base Supply Contract

  • IITK Purchase Order means the IITK’s official Purchase Order document;

  • Development Location Point means a single point selected by the Applicant on the proposed Development site that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development. For a Development which consists of Scattered Sites, this means a single point on the site with the most units that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development.

  • Supply contract means a contract under which a lessor buys or leases goods to be leased.

  • Definite quantity contract means a fixed price contract that provides for a

  • service supplier means any person that supplies a service;

  • Daily Contract Quantity or “DCQ” means the quantity of Gas as set out in Clause 4.1 herein.

  • MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document means, as the context requires, either or both of the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Indicator Technical Specifications November 5, 2018 Version 1.3” and the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Target and Corridor-Setting Guidelines” as they may be amended or replaced from time to time;

  • Delivery Schedule means the schedule for the delivery of Services as set forth in attached Annex 3.

  • Back Ordered Products If product is not expected to ship within the time provided to the TIPS Member by the Vendor, the Member is to be notified within 3 business days and appropriate action taken based on customer request. The TIPS Vendor Agreement Signature Page is inserted here.

  • The Advance Purchase Order or “Letter of Intent” means the intention of Purchaser to place the Purchase Order on the bidder.

  • Supply Contracts means contracts having as their object the purchase, lease, rental or hire-purchase, with or without an option to buy, of products. A supply contract may include, as an incidental matter, siting and installation operations;

  • Approved Product means any water fitting, plumbing product, material or component which is the subject of an existing WRAS Approval;

  • Bondable stranded costs rate order means one or more

  • The Work Order means the order placed by the Purchaser on the Supplier signed by the Purchaser including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. The Work order shall be deemed as "Contract" appearing in the document.

  • Statement of Work means the description of activities performed in completing the Project, as specified in the Contract and as may be amended.

  • Customer Order means, with respect to a Participant or Authorized Trader, an Order or Request for Quote that has been provided to such Participant or Authorized Trader, as applicable, by or on behalf of a Customer.

  • Approved program or "approved state" means a state or interstate program that has been approved or authorized by EPA under 40 CFR Part 123 (2000).

  • Product Schedule means PTC’s standard order form entitled “PTC Product Schedule” (including all schedules, attachments and other document(s) specifically referenced therein) or such alternative order form as may be submitted by Customer and accepted by PTC, in each case that specifies (i) the Licensed Products and/or Services ordered; and (ii) for Licensed Products, the installation address (including the Designated Country) and the Licence Term.

  • Network Supply Point or "NSP" means any Point of Connection between:

  • Work Order means an individually negotiated document that is executed by both Parties and which authorizes a Project, if any, in an indefinite quantity Contract.

  • Medical equipment supplier means any person, as defined in § 1-230, engaged in the delivery to the ultimate consumer, pursuant to the lawful order of a practitioner, of hypodermic syringes and needles, medicinal oxygen, Schedule VI controlled devices, those Schedule VI controlled substances with no medicinal properties that are used for the operation and cleaning of medical equipment, solutions for peritoneal dialysis, and sterile water or saline for irrigation.

  • Bunched Orders means a single Order placed by an Account Manager for two or more of its Accounts on the SEF operated by BSEF pursuant to Rule 528.

  • Contracted Processor means a Subprocessor;

  • Service Subcontract means a subcontract primarily for the furnishing of services, to or for a recipient of Assistance, except where services are incidental to the delivery of products, equipment or commodities. A contract for the purchase or lease of goods, products, equipment, supplies or other property is not a “service subcontract” for the purposes of this definition.

  • Delivery Points means: (i) for natural gas transported by interstate pipelines, the city gate stations of your Utility, and (ii) for electricity, one or more points at which Company, as your agent, has arranged for the delivery of electricity to a third party (such as your Utility) for your account or at your premises.

  • Delivery Location means the Supplier's premises or other location where the Services are to be supplied, as set out in the Order;