Demand Requisition definition
Examples of Demand Requisition in a sentence
If the Equipment which is the subject of the Demand Requisition is not Maintained Equipment, Project Co will determine whether the problem relates to the Equipment itself or a Maintained Element supporting the Equipment.
It shall be deemed a Low Service Failure if Project Co does not issue a Demand Requisition in such circumstances.
If an Event which results in an immediate Service Failure Deduction (because there is no applicable Response Time or Rectification Period) can properly be classified as both a Service Failure and an Unavailability Event at the time that the Demand Requisition is reported, to the Help Desk, it will be classified as the Event that has the highest potential Deduction available to it.
Requisition for the desired bill of quantity would be prepared by the Engineering and Works Department and forwarded to the purchase and supply department.Incase of Procurements other than for works, the user Department would prepare the Demand Requisition Note giving reasons why the said materials/items are needed and quantity thereof.
If the Equipment and Furniture which is the subject of the Demand Requisition is not Maintained Equipment and Furniture, Project Co will determine whether the problem relates to the Equipment and Furniture itself or a Maintained Element supporting the Equipment and Furniture.
Facility Manager will have pre-arranged contracts with Subcontractors to ensure quick response for Demand Requisition calls.
Sections 38, 41, 42 and 43 of that Act authorize the Senate and House of Commons to give their approval to certain other constitutional amendments by resolution.
If the Maintained Element which is the subject of the Demand Requisition is an Authority Maintained Element, Project Co will determine whether the problem relates to the Authority Maintained Element itself or a Project Co Maintained Element supporting the Authority Maintained Element.
Upon a Demand Requisition, request for service or other inquiry being made to the Help Desk, Project Co will make an initial determination and categorize each using the following classification (priority) protocol: Emergency Any events felt to be life or limb threatening or serious enough to cause significant economic or environmental damage.
Milk Fresh will be delivered in above place as directed by I/c Fresh Group in stipulated time (time will be mentioned in Purchase Order/ Demand Requisition) at your own arrangement.