Demolition contractor definition
Examples of Demolition contractor in a sentence
Name Address Post code telephone no Email mobile no Demolition contractor Name Company Address Post code telephone no Email mobile no Person giving this notice Name Company Address: Post code telephone no Email mobile no Signed DateCHECK LIST: correct fee site plan method statementNotes for demolition notice application1.
Demolition contractor, general contractor, or any other person, who leases, operates, controls or supervises the site.
Demolition contractor shall provide at least three- dimensional ties to the end of the sealed lateral.
Demolition contractor / other contractors:▪ All provisions relevant for the Contractor in construction stage are relevant for future demolition contractor or any other contractors appointed to perform construction works relevant for the operation of RWMC or closure of non-sanitary landfills.
Enter the names, addresses, contact persons and telephone numbers for the following:• Owner - Legal owner of the site at which asbestos is being removed or demolition planned.• Removal Contractor - Contractor hired to remove asbestos.• Other Operator - Demolition contractor, general contractor, or any other person who leases, operates, controls or supervises the site.If known, the name of the site supervisor should be entered as the contact person for the notification.