Examples of Denatured ethanol in a sentence
Denatured ethanol imports are necessary to sustain the market in the short term while local production is established.
Denatured ethanol used as the oxygenate must have the properties set forth in section (a)(2)(D)2.
Denatured ethanol production partially recovered in 2021, reaching 14.09 billion gallons.75 The expected annual rate of future commercial production of corn ethanol will continue to be driven primarily by gasoline demand in the 2023–2025 timeframe as most gasoline is expected to continue to contain 10 percent ethanol.
Denatured ethanol and 1 N sodium hydroxide solution were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fairlawn, NJ).
Denatured ethanol has a 25% import duty, compared to 0% for LPG and 9% for kerosene,83 which inflates the price at which the fuel is sold to the final consumer84.
Denatured ethanol used as the oxygenate must have the properties set forth in section (a)(2)(C)2.a.
Denatured ethanol can be used in the manufacture of fuel, blended with gaso- line or neat.
Denatured ethanol is used as fuel, blended with gasoline or neat, while undenatured or potable ethanol is used for beverages and industrial organic chemical production.
Denatured ethanol is ethanol to which a substance has been added to discourage human ingestion.
As Padget (1998) argues, for less known topics a qualitative approach is highly recommended.