Director of Administration definition
Examples of Director of Administration in a sentence
Written protests must contain all the detail necessary for the Director of Administration or designee to evaluate the protester’s issue and make a determination.
Should the protester be dissatisfied with NYSIF’s Director of Administration or designee’s determination, the protester may file a written appeal.
NYSIF’s Director of Administration or designee shall make a determination for every solicitation phase and post award protest submitted in accordance with this Procedure.
Such protest must be submitted in writing to NYSIF’s Director of Administration or designee, via email, and must be received by NYSIF no later than 1:00 p.m. on the 10th (tenth) business day following: 1) NYSIF’s issuance of a Notice of Contract Award or Bid Tab Certification or; 2) NYSIF’s issuance of a letter to the Bidder indicating that its proposal was not selected.
Such protest must be submitted in writing to NYSIF’s Director of Administration or designee, via certified mail or overnight mail service, and must be received by NYSIF no later than 1:00 p.m. on the 10th (tenth) business day following: 1) NYSIF’s issuance of a Notice of Contract Award or Bid Tab Certification or; 2) NYSIF’s issuance of a letter to the Bidder indicating that its proposal was not selected.