Examples of Disbursement Procedures in a sentence
Simplification of Disbursement Procedures and Related Requirements for Program Loans.
Knowledge of the requirements described in this document enables the Public Sector Borrower to obtain efficient and timely processing of the loan proceeds’ withdrawal.The underlying Disbursement Procedures apply to public sector loans, the financing agreements of which specify that the disbursements under such loans are to be made in accordance with the Disbursement Procedures.
This chapter also helps the Borrower to become familiar with the framework of the disbursement process and to establish a basis for the detailed Disbursement Procedures that are explained in the next chapters.
The purpose of this Handbook is to provide a set of definitions, general terms and specific practical guidance through the OPEC Fund’s Disbursement Procedures and methods.
Section:6.00ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING REQUIREMENTSSub Section:6.10HCR Disbursement Procedures HCR makes HDF funds available directly to sub recipients.