Dispatch Equipment definition
Examples of Dispatch Equipment in a sentence
An Accessible Taxicab is required to have Dispatch Equipment installed in the Vehicle.
The upgrade will be implemented in four phases: Phase I - Mayo Area Phase II - Southern Region except Mayo Area Phase III - North Region Phase IV - Emergency Dispatch Equipment & Software Upgrade Project description amended in FY07 to include purchasing of new communication equipment and software to replace out dated equipment.
Documents:Resolution Transferring Dispatch Equipment to Marshall County Communications Commission.pdf G.
ECC agrees and understands that the Agency is free to use the Dispatch Equipment for all of their operations.
If the Service Provider fails to remove and return the Dispatch Equipment, the Company shall be entitled to access the Site(s) and remove any such Dispatch Equipment and the Service Provider shall be liable to the Company in respect of the reasonable costs incurred by the Company in such removal.
RULE CH7.01 Two-Way Dispatch Equipment and E-Hail Dispatch AppsTaxi licensees and taxi chauffeurs are required to participate in E-Hail Dispatch Apps approved by the City of Chicago Consolidated Taxicab Dispatch (E-Hail ) Program pursuant to MCC §9-112-565.
Documents:Staff Memo Development Application Site Plan New Business:Proposed Legislation: Bill No. 2243 – An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute on behalf of the City of Ladue, Missouri a User Agreement with St. Louis County for Dispatch Equipment Interoperable Radio System.
Dispatch Equipment Maintenance PlansAll SIRN dispatch consoles MUST, at all times, be under active maintenance and support agreement with Motorola covering firmware and release updates, technical support and remote and on-site break-fix support.
Agency inspected each of the items of Dispatch Equipment upon receipt to make sure it is in good working order and free from defects and malfunctions, signing an Inventory Control Form, which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A.
Although the ECC will pay for maintenance coverage (See Section 13) for malfunctions due to manufacturing defects, all costs attributed to the loss, breakage, misuse, or destruction of any Dispatch Equipment caused by the Agency will be the responsibility of the Agency.