Dissolution Law definition
Examples of Dissolution Law in a sentence
Under the Dissolution Law and for purposes of this Report, “statutory value of real property” means the value of properties formerly held by the former redevelopment agency as listed on the housing asset transfer form approved by the Department of Finance by the housing asset transfer schedule under Section 34176(a)(2), the value of the properties transferred to the Housing Successor pursuant to Section 34181(f), and the purchase price of properties purchased by the Housing Successor.
Under the Dissolution Law and for purposes of this Report, the “statutory value of real property” means the value of properties formerly held by the former redevelopment agency as listed on the housing asset transfer schedule approved by the Department of Finance as listed in such schedule under Section 34176(a)(2), the value of the properties transferred to the Housing Successor pursuant to Section 34181(f), and the purchase price of property(ies) purchased by the Housing Successor.
This legislation is referred to herein as the Redevelopment Dissolution Law.
Under the Dissolution Law and for purposes of this Report, the “statutory value of real property” means the value of properties formerly held by the former redevelopment agency as listed on the housing asset transfer schedule approved by the Department of Finance as listed in such schedule under Section 34176(a)(2), the value of the properties transferred to the Housing Successor pursuant to Section 34181(f), and the purchase price of property purchased by the Housing Successor.
Under the Dissolution Law and for purposes of this Report, the “statutory value of real property” means the value of properties formerly held by the former redevelopment agency as listed on the housing asset transfer (HAT) schedule approved by the Department of Finance (DOF) as listed in such schedule under Section 34176(a)(2), the value of the properties transferred to the Housing Successor pursuant to Section 34181(f), and the purchase price of property(ies) purchased by the Housing Successor.
This data will produce a quarterly report to be reviewed and monitored by the trust safeguarding committee.
These obligations are referred to as OCII’s “Retained Housing Obligations”, pursuant to both the Dissolution Law and Board of Supervisors Ordinance 215-12.
The Private Purpose Trust Funds account for the custodial responsibilities that are assigned to the SARA with the passage of the Redevelopment Dissolution Law and for the James Lick Fund, which holds resources in trust for the support of the EMQ Families First Agency (a.k.a. Eastfield Ming Quong).
This Agreement is entered into to implement terms and requirements of ABx1 26 enacted June 28, 2011, as modified by AB 1484 enacted June 27, 2012 (collectively, the Redevelopment Dissolution Law").
Although Redevelopment Dissolution Law repealed most of the CRL affordable housing obligations, the Legislature intended that San Francisco’s replacement housing program, as an enforceable obligation, could continue to provide a remedy for the pre-dissolution harm caused by the massive destruction of affordable housing.