Examples of Distribution Network Owner in a sentence
The Parties acknowledge that a Distribution Network Owner is entitled to plan and execute outages of parts of the NI Distribution System from time to time, subject to the applicable requirements of the Distribution Code.
The Parties acknowledge that a Distribution Network Owner is entitled to plan and execute outages of parts of the NI Distribution System from time to time, subject to the applicable requirements of the Distribution Code that may affect the User’s ability to export onto the All-island Transmission Electricity Network at the Connection Point.
The User and a Distribution Network Owner are parties to a Connection Agreement dealing with the connection of the User’s Connection Plant and Apparatus (which has the meaning given to the “Generator’s Connection Plant and Apparatus” in the Connection Agreement) to the NI Distribution System.
To achieve reconciliation of applicable Transportation and Energy charges in respect of Larger Supply Points at Connected System Exit Points (CSEPs), the relevant iGT is required by the CSEP Network Exit Agreement (NExA) to periodically submit reconciliation volumes for specified periods to the Distribution Network Owner (DNO) within 30 days of receiving a reading from the relevant meter/s.
Section 6.10.4 states that:’The Jurisdictional Regulator is responsible for determining which, if any,distribution services provided by a Distribution Network Owner or Distribution Network Service Provider ...
The User and a Distribution Network Owner are parties to a connection agreement dealing with the connection of the User’s Connection Plant and Apparatus (which has the meaning given to the “Generator’s Connection Plant and Apparatus” in the Connection Agreement) to the NI Distribution System.
The Parties acknowledge that a Distribution Network Owner is entitled to plan and execute outages of parts of the NI Distribution System from time to time, subject to the applicable requirements of the Distribution Code that may affect the User’s ability to export onto the All-Island Electrcity Network at the Connection Point.
Jurisdictional Regulator may require a Distribution Network Owner and/or Distribution Network Service Provider (as appropriate) to provide any other information the Jurisdictional Regulator reasonably requires to perform its regulatory functions in a manner and by a date it considers to be consistent with the requirements of clauses 6.10.2, 6.
The Mutual Fund/ AMC will disclose the portfolio of the Scheme (along with ISIN) as on the last day of the month/ half year for all their schemes in the format prescribed by SEBI on the website of IDBI Mutual Fund (www.idbimutual.co.in) and on the website ofAssociation of Mutual Funds in India - hereinafter referred to as AMFI (www.amfiindia.com) within 10 days from the close of each month/ half year respectively in a user-friendly and downloadable spreadsheet format.
Energy Grid Strengthening ProjectDETI is in detailed discussions with the Transmission System Operator, Distribution Network Owner and Regulator on options to invest in the grid in support of NI Executive renewables policy.