Examples of District Valuer in a sentence
Buildings, installations and fittings are depreciated on their current value over the estimated remaining life of the asset as advised by the District Valuer.
The estimated fair value of the asset on reversion is determined by the District Valuer.
The District Valuer should provide an estimate of the anticipated fair value of the assets on the same basis as the District Valuer values the NHS Trusts estate.
Land and buildings held under finance leases are capitalised at inception at the fair value of the asset but may be subsequently revalued by the District Valuer.
The estimated fair value of the asset on reversion is determined by the District Valuer based on Department of Health guidance.
Assets in the course of construction and residual interests in off-balance sheet PFI contract assets are not depreciated until the asset is brought into use or reverts to the Trust, respectively.Buildings, installations and fittings are depreciated on their current value over the estimated remaining life of the asset as advised by the District Valuer.
Valuations of property assets are carried out by the District Valuer, an external, qualified valuer, who is independent of the Council.
The District Valuer should provide an estimate of the anticipated fair value of the assets on the same basis as the District Valuer values the NHS Trust's estate.
Valuations are undertaken by the District Valuer, in accordance with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Appraisal and Valuation Manual and having regard to the supplementary guidance provided by CIPFA.
In all cases the applicant will be required to meet the Council’s costs for assessment by the District Valuer.