Domain Name Licence definition

Domain Name Licence means your licence to use the Domain Name which is the subject of your application;
Domain Name Licence means the licence to use a domain name in the Designated 2LDs for a specified period of time. Escrow Materials means all the materials which are required to be deposited into escrow under the Technical Specification. Events of Default has the meaning given in clause 24.2. Expiry Date means 30 June 2010. GST has the same meaning given to that term in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Xxx 0000.
Domain Name Licence the licence granted by Foresight Leasing Limited to the Company in relation to the use of the domain name wxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx in the agreed terms;

Examples of Domain Name Licence in a sentence

  • Under their instructions, Li Zubai (李祖白, 1610-1665), a catholic convert and astronomical official published Tianxue Chuangai 天學傳概 (A Summary of the Spread of the Heavenly Teaching) in 1663.

  • The number of directors constituting the present Board of Directors of the Corporation is three, and names and addresses of the persons who are to serve as directors until their successors are elected and shall qualify are: Maureen Sims Rebecca Farraway Debra Tanzi Sheldon L.

  • However, the strict criteria that must be satisfied to use these powers make them unsuitable for implementing wider sanctions regimes.

  • The Registrar of Record for a Domain Name Licence may maintain records of a Registrant's current choice of agent.

  • The Domain Name Supplier must state that the Domain Name Licence will be subject to the Registrant confirming that they continue to be eligible for the Domain Name Licence every 2 years.

  • Under auDA’s Clarification of Domain Name Licence – Prohibition on Sale of Domain Name (2005-05) policy, registrants who offer their domain name for sale risk having their domain name deleted for breach of policy.

  • The Registrant Agreement (Domain Name Licence), that each registrant must enter into when they register or renew a domain name, places an obligation on the registrant not to register a domain name for the purpose of selling it.

  • The Company issued 80 million ordinary shares as part of the consideration paid on the acquisition of the Property Adviser (note 30).

  • Where Domain Name services are provided for periods longer than 2 years, the Domain Name Supplier must clearly inform Customers that the Domain Name Licence must be renewed every 2 years.

  • A Domain Name Supplier for a specific Domain Name Licence must not send a renewal notice any earlier than 90 days prior to the expiry date, and must make reasonable commercial efforts to advise the Registrant at least 30 days prior to expiry of a Domain Name Licence of the need to renew it.

Related to Domain Name Licence

  • Domain Names means all Internet domain names and associated URL addresses in or to which any Grantor now or hereafter has any right, title or interest.

  • Domain Name means the domain name(s) (universal resource locators), and registration(s) thereof, issued by any Person or authority that issues and maintains the domain name registration; provided, however, “Domain Name” shall not include any trademark or service mark rights to such domain names other than the rights to the Product Trademarks required to be divested.

  • Trademark means any trademark, trade name, service xxxx, service name, brand, domain name, trade dress, logo, slogan or other indicia of origin or ownership, including the goodwill and activities associated with each of the foregoing.

  • Trademark License means any agreement, written or oral, providing for the grant by the Company of any right to use any Trademark, including, without limitation, any thereof referred to in Schedule B hereto.

  • Supply Licence means the licence granted to us under section 6(1)(d) of the Act;

  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (11/18) means any patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, service marks, trademarks, trade dress, moral rights, know-how and any other similar rights or intangible assets to which rights of ownership accrue, and all registrations, applications, disclosures, renewals, extensions, continuations, or reissues of the foregoing now or hereafter in force. “Key Personnel” (11/18) means the specific individuals identified in Section 3.11 to fill Key Positions.

  • Licensed Intellectual Property means Intellectual Property licensed to the Company pursuant to the Company IP Agreements.

  • licence means a licence granted under this Act;

  • exclusive licence means a licence from the proprietor of or applicant for a patent conferring on the licensee, or on him and persons authorised by him, to the exclusion of all other persons (including the proprietor or applicant), any right in respect of the invention to which the patent or application relates, and “exclusive licensee” and “non-exclusive licence” shall be construed accordingly;