(e) definition
(e) . Owner” means the holder of legal title, except that if the holder of legal title is also a land contract vendor for the property the owner shall be the most recent land contract vendee, or if the holder of legal title is an estate or a trust, the owner shall be the beneficiary of the estate or trust.
(e) . Domicile’ means that place where a person maintains a residence with the intention of continu- ing such residence for an unlimited or indefinite pe- riod, and to which such person has the intention of returning whenever he is absent, even for an extended period.
(e) . Court” means—
More Definitions of (e)
(e) employer' means as employer as defined in the Apprentices Act, 1962, who has engaged one or more apprentices,"
(e) . CAUSE" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3 of this Agreement.
(e) . Colored tag’ means any type of notice affixed to an abandoned or derelict vehicle advising the owner or the person in possession that it has been declared an abandoned or derelict vehicle and will be treated as such. The tag shall be of sufficient size to be easily discernable and shall contain such information as the Department Division of Public Safety deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this article.”
(e) employee” means any person (other than an apprentice) who is employed for wages, whether the terms of such employment are express or implied, in any kind of work, manual or otherwise, in or in connection with the work of a factory, mine, oilfield, plantation, port, railway company, shop or other establishment to which this Act applies, but does not include any such person who holds a post under the Central Government or a State Government and is governed by any other Act or by any rules providing for payment of gratuity;'.
(e) . Of record’ means:
(e) . Proceeds of crime’ shall mean any property derived from or obtained, directly or indirectly, through the commission of an offence;
(e) . MSC Compact’ means this Washington