Examples of Eastern Province in a sentence
The sub-component will support the establishment of agriculture technology demonstration parks in seven proposed districts of Jaffna, Mullaitivu (Northern Province), Batticaloa (Eastern Province), Monaragla (Uva Provinces), Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa (North-Central Province), and Matale (Central Province) which have been identified based on high poverty headcounts and agriculture development potential.
This was complemented in January 2011 by two weeks of fieldwork in Riyadh and the Eastern Province.
At the same time, there is frustration among Shi‘a citizens in the Eastern Province about living on top of some of the world’s greatest oil reserves while seeing most of the benefit go to other parts of Saudi Arabia.
Similarly, incidental meetings were sometimes cancelled because of the tense situation in the Eastern Province in 2011.
Eastern Province Shia judges dealing with intra-Shia personal status and family laws operated specialized courts.
Kayonza District is one of the seven districts constituting the Eastern Province of the Republic of Rwanda.
Very few and small rivers, some of them erratic and intermittent, are observed in Eastern Province while permanently abundant and big rivers dominate the South, West and North.Underground waterThe Rwandan underground water is dominated by the water of wetlands covering some 278,000 ha.
See Crisis Group Report, Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province, 15 October 2008, pp.
Of particular concern for Tamils and Muslims through- out the Eastern Province is what many see as the con- tinued threat of new Sinhala settlements and Sinhala- majority administrative divisions.
Crisis Group interview, Kattankudy, November 2008.142 See Crisis Group Report, Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province, op.