Education credit definition

Education credit means the credit allowed under section 290.0674.
Education credit means a unit of measurement of continuing education activity.
Education credit means a credit earned by a returning citizen who completes educational

Examples of Education credit in a sentence

  • A minimum grade of C is required for Quest and General Education credit.

  • All courses offered for General Education credit must be recommended for approval by the General Education Oversight Committee (see II.C.2.e, Oversight).

  • This credit does not include continuing education and extension courses, which are covered by the Continuing Education credit in Public Engagement.

  • If a house staff physician is required to repeat a year of training, Graduate Medical Education credit for only one year will be granted.

  • Education credit shall not be prorated or combined for partial or full credit and shall be awarded only upon successful completion of a specific educational program.

  • Introductory courses for majors in the Life Sciences that do not cover all the topics specified above may be certified for General Education credit by special permission of the General Education Council.

  • A Regular Adult Education Teacher is one who teaches twenty (20) or more hours per week of Adult Education credit courses.

  • Extension certificates and other certificates that are not part of academic degree programs do not count for this credit; they are covered in the Continuing Education credit in Public Engagement.

  • Transfer of Advanced International Certificate of Education credit under terms of this rule is mandatory, provided that the award of credit is consistent with the Articulation Coordinating Committee’s recommended minimum scores and the statutory maximum amount of 30 credits.

  • No Field Education credit is given for life experience or previous work experience.

More Definitions of Education credit

Education credit means a positive balance of fees paid or ordered/approved in advance by Customer, and which can be applied by Customer towards Education Services Products pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
Education credit means a positive balance of fees paid or ordered/approved in advance by Customer, and which can be applied by Customer towards Education Services Products pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
Education credit means a credit earned by a returning citizen an incarcerated person who
Education credit. An education credit helps with the cost of higher education by reducing the amount of tax owed on your tax return. If the credit reduces your tax to less than zero, you may get a refund. There are two education credits available: Education Loan Repayment: Amounts paid as principal or interest on a loan to pay certain higher education expenses as defined in Section 221(d) of the Code, of a Beneficiary or a sibling of a Beneficiary (up to a lifetime $10,000 limit per individual). EFT: Electronic funds transfer.

Related to Education credit

  • Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings; and instruction in physical education.

  • Service Credit means the periods of time for which the required contributions have been

  • Program participant means an individual certified by the secretary as a program participant under Iowa Code section 9E.3.

  • Educational program means a program for educating and preparing physician assistants which is approved by the board.

  • School-age child means a minor who is at least six years old but younger than 18 years old and who is not emancipated.