Examples of Treated Wastewater in a sentence
The following wastewater treatment options are perceived to be available for any new development in this area: On-Site Septic System:Any proposed development may choose to incorporate an appropriate on-site septic system on the subject property.Reuse of Treated Wastewater for Public IrrigationThe Town is interested in improving the appearance of landscaping along the NCDOT-controlled but Town maintained NC 58 right of way near Islander Drive.
Funds allocated from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund to the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina for the Innovative Highly Treated Wastewater Pilot Program (Program) shall be provided to the North Carolina Policy Collaboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Collaboratory) to establish the Program as described in this subsection.
In the Matter of Wastewater Petition WW0092, Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, Order Approving Change in Purpose of Use and Place of Use of Treated Wastewater.
Such metering shall (where appropriate) monitor the quantity and quality of both Untreated Wastewater/ Effluent and Treated Wastewater/ Effluent.
Technology-Based Effluent Limitations For Secondary Treated Wastewater Parameter UnitsEffluent LimitationsAverage MonthlyAverage WeeklyMaximum DailyCBOD5 [1] [2][1] The average monthly percent removal of BOD5 and TSS shall not be less than 85 percent.[2] Per 40 CFR 133.102, this Order substitutes five-day Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) effluent limits for five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) effluent limits.