Delivery Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which energy is delivered into the Grid System i.e. the Interconnection Point.
INTER-CONNECTION POINT/ DELIVERY/ METERING POINT means a single point at 220kV or above, where the power from the Project(s) is injected into the identified ISTS Substation (including the dedicated transmission line connecting the Projects with the substation system) as specified in the RfS document. Metering shall be done at this interconnection point where the power is injected into. For interconnection with grid and metering, the WPDs shall abide by the relevant CERC/ SERC Regulations, Grid Code and Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended and revised from time to time.
Electrical Distance means, for a Generation Capacity Resource geographically located outside the metered boundaries of the PJM Region, the measure of distance, based on impedance and in accordance with the PJM Manuals, from the Generation Capacity Resource to the PJM Region.
Delivery Points means: (i) for natural gas transported by interstate pipelines, the city gate stations of your Utility, and (ii) for electricity, one or more points at which Company, as your agent, has arranged for the delivery of electricity to a third party (such as your Utility) for your account or at your premises.
Receipt Point means the receipt/inception point(s) where Crude Oil is received into the Gathering System, as such points are specified in Section II of this tariff.
Metering System means all meters and metering devices (including current transformers and potential transformers) installed by the Company and uses to measure Electricity and delivery by the Company and receipt by the BPDB of Net Energy Output. The Metering System shall be owned and maintained by the Company.
Interconnection Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which the project is connected to the grid i.e. it shall be at 11 / 22 kV bus bar level of substation of MSEDCL.
Net metering system means a facility for the production of electrical energy that:
Service delivery area means the defined geographic area for delivery of program services.
Cubic Meter or "m3" means the volume of Petroleum which occupies one (1) cubic meter and equals 264.1721 United States gallons and 6.2898108 barrels.
Sanitary Sewer System means all facilities, including ap- proved LOSS, used in the collection, transmission, storage, treatment, or discharge of any waterborne waste, whether domestic in origin or a combination of domestic, commercial, or industrial wastewater. LOSS are only considered sanitary sewer systems if they are designed to serve urban densities. Sanitary sewer system is also commonly known as public sewer system.
Metering Point means, for meters that do not use instrument transformers, the point at which the billing meter is connected. For meters that use instrument transformers, the point at which the instrument transformers are connected.
Supply Point means the point of connection between the licensed network and your apparatus or equipment.
Transmission Interconnection Customer means an entity that submits an Interconnection Request to interconnect or add Merchant Transmission Facilities to the Transmission System or to increase the capacity of Merchant Transmission Facilities interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region or an entity that submits an Upgrade Request for Merchant Network Upgrades (including accelerating the construction of any transmission enhancement or expansion, other than Merchant Transmission Facilities, that is included in the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan prepared pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 6).
Meters shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.6(a) hereof.
Meter means a device which records the demand and/or the electrical energy consumed and includes conventional and prepayment meters;
Pipeline System means each system of Pipeline Assets, Real Property and Easements relating thereto making up an integrated gathering system and gathering system, or other pipeline system.
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Receipt Point(s) means the receipt points set forth in Section 6 of this Toll Schedule.
Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.
Electricity Supply Code means the Electricity Supply Code specified under section 50;
Capacity Transmission Injection Rights means the rights to schedule energy and capacity deliveries at a Point of Interconnection of a Merchant Transmission Facility with the Transmission System. Capacity Transmission Injection Rights may be awarded only to a Merchant D.C. Transmission Facility and/or Controllable A.C. Merchant Transmission Facilities that connects the Transmission System to another control area. Deliveries scheduled using Capacity Transmission Injection Rights have rights similar to those under Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service or, if coupled with a generating unit external to the PJM Region that satisfies all applicable criteria specified in the PJM Manuals, similar to Capacity Interconnection Rights.
Produced water means water recovered from an underground reservoir as a result of crude oil, condensate, or natural gas production and which may be recycled, disposed, or re-injected into an underground reservoir.
Transmission pipeline means any high pressure transmission pipeline connected to, but excluding the Maui Pipeline, that is used for the open access transportation of Gas, and includes all items of plant, equipment, fixtures and fittings directly appurtenanced to that pipeline, but excluding any item which is controlled by a party other than that pipeline’s TP Welded Party and any low pressure distribution system.
Operating pressure means the pressure at which the parts of an irrigation system are designed by the manufacturer to operate.
Slug loading means any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants, released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration as to cause interference in the POTW.