Electrical Interconnection Point definition

Electrical Interconnection Point means the point(s) specified in the System design where the System connects to the existing electrical distribution line(s) serving the Site.
Electrical Interconnection Point means the point of electrical interconnection between the Project and the transmission system, as set forth in the Interconnection Agreement.
Electrical Interconnection Point means the physical point at which the Facility is connected with the Transmission System or, if RF/QF interconnects with a Transmission System other than DEF’s, DEF’s interconnection with the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, or such other physical point on which RF/QF and DEF may agree.

Examples of Electrical Interconnection Point in a sentence

  • If requested, a Party shall provide to the other Party statements evidencing the quantity of Electricity delivered at the Electrical Interconnection Point.

  • Licensee shall measure the actual amount of Electricity delivered to Trustees by the System at the Electrical Interconnection Point utilizing a commercially available revenue grade meter that shall comply with the ANSI code for electricity Meters C12.1-2008 or its successor (“Meter”).

  • The invoiced amount due from Trustees to Licensee shall be for each Billing Cycle the sum of any In Lieu of Electricity Payment for Deemed Generated Energy owing to Licensee and the amount calculated for Electricity delivered to the Electrical Interconnection Point as follows: Simple Peak kW methodology A = P x Q, where: A = Amount of payment due to Licensee for Actual Peak Demand Reduction for the Billing Cycle.

  • The XXXX Storage Capacity shall be measured at the Electrical Interconnection Point.

  • The power output for the XXXX Storage Capacity Test shall be measured at the [Electrical Interconnection Point Meter].

More Definitions of Electrical Interconnection Point

Electrical Interconnection Point means the point(s) specified in the Construction Documents where the System connects to the existing electrical transmission line(s) serving the Site.
Electrical Interconnection Point means the point of electrical interconnection between the Project and the ETI Transmission System, as set forth in the GIA.
Electrical Interconnection Point means either the point at which two systems or Balancing Authority Areas meet or intersect, where power can flow from one area to another, or the delivery point at which the applicable resource connects to the transmission system of a utility within a Balancing Authority Area, as the context requires.
Electrical Interconnection Point means that point (as further described in Appendix A hereto) at which the Facility is to be interconnected with the Utility's transmission system.
Electrical Interconnection Point means a point at the periphery of the System where electricity is interconnected as further described in Exhibit C. The Provider has responsibility of ownership and maintenance on the fuel cell side of the Electrical Interconnection Point. The Customer shall have ownership and maintenance responsibility on the other side of Electrical Interconnection Point.
Electrical Interconnection Point means the point of electrical interconnection between the Project and the Transmission System of Purchaser (as transmission owner), i.e., the Purchaser’s (as transmission owner) side of the last deadend structure of Seller’s 500 kV transmission lines connecting the Project to the Purchaser’s (as transmission owner) 500 xX Xxxx Creek substation.