Examples of Electronic Notification System in a sentence
This link will take you to the Kitsap County Electronic Notification System where you can sign up to receive text or email updates.
April 27, 2012 Utah Public Service Commission Docket No. 11-035-199, Order Vacating Scheduling Order and Approving Electronic Notification System for Pole Attachments, available at https://psc.utah.gov/2016/06/21/docket-no-11-035-199/ and https://pscdocs.utah.gov/electric/elecindx/2011/documents/22349011035199ovsoaaensfpa.pdf.
SECTION E EMERGENCY COUNTY FACILITY CLOSURE In the event of an official closure of county facilities and/or late opening due to severe weather conditions or other extraordinary events (earthquake, power outage, pandemic events, etc.), the closure or late opening shall be announced on the Kitsap County telephone information line on courthouse closure, specified radio stations and television channels, kitsapgov.com, and through the Kitsap Electronic Notification System for electronic alerts.
SECTION E EMERGENCY COUNTY FACILITY CLOSURE In the event of an official closure of county facilities and/or late opening due to severe weather conditions or other extraordinary events (earthquake, power outage, pandemic events, etc.), the closure or late opening shall be announced on the Kitsap County telephone information line on courthouse closure, specified radio stations and television channels, kitsapgov.com, and through the Kitsap Electronic Notification System for electronic alerts.
Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP): All Health Home providers must enroll with CRISP’s Electronic Notification System to receive hospital, discharge and transfer (ADT) encounter alerts.
Once you are in the Electronic Notification System, just follow the simple steps to accessing the Agreement for the Delivery of Electronic Notices and complete the required data.
What is the Electronic Notification System (ENS)?The Electronic Notification System (ENS) is a program established by the state legislature for the electronic delivery of notices to property owners.
Property owners who file a protest utilizing DCAD uFile system will not receive their ARB Hearing Notification electronically unless the property owner has signed up to use DCAD’s Electronic Notification System.
State of Illinois Rapid Electronic Notification System (SIREN)SIREN is a secure web-based persistent messaging and alerting system that leverages email, phone, text, pagers, and other messaging formats to provide 24/7/365 notification, alerting, and flow of critical information.
To resolve this problem, the NTS provided an online “e-notice.” Using e-notice, the taxpayer receives a message via the Internet or a mobile ser- vice and confirms the contents of the tax notice on the HomeTax homepage.16 This is legally effective under the NTS Electronic Notification System for matters including the tax amount imposed on a tax- payer, tax payment due date, and so on.