Examples of Eligible Expenditure Programs in a sentence
Table 2: Eligible Expenditure Programs (Based on exchange rate of GNF1.0 = US$0.063)Identified Eligible ExpenditureProgramFinance LawEligible Expenditure Amount (US$ M)EEP Budget2016201720182019 contribute to promotion of the provision and quality of basic services such as health and education, combined with its TA under the Component 2 on better coordination between the LGs and the deconcentrated services, in M&E (including data management) and in planning steps.
Category 1 will cover reimbursement of Eligible Expenditure Programs against achieved DLIs, and Category 2 will include payment against goods, consulting services, non- consulting services, training and operating cost.
Many states were not convinced that it was necessary to force Iraq with military means to meet the terms of the UN resolutions on that very moment.
Under the results-based components 1-4, the project disbursements will be contingent on the satisfactory achievement of the DLIs. These disbursements will be made against selected Eligible Expenditure Programs of MOETE up to capped absolute amounts.
The project will follow a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp), with the Bank co-financing a percentage of Government Eligible Expenditure Programs (EEP).
Part A reimburses Eligible Expenditure Programs conditioned on compliance with Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs).
Implementation of the Eligible Expenditure Programs Support the implementation of the Eligible Expenditure Programs.
These expenditures are clearly identifiable in GoPunjab FMIS and the PEF internal chart of accounts and are referred to as Eligible Expenditure Programs (EEPs).
The project will finance the achievement of results through two types of financing mechanisms: (a) results-based financing—where project funds will be disbursed against achieved selected key DLIs, based on results that trigger payments against Eligible Expenditure Programs (EEPs) and (b) traditional input-based financing in the form of goods and services.
Once annual DLI targets (disbursement-linked results—DLRs) are achieved and verified, for related DLI disbursement to take place, the Government will provide evidence of sufficient actual expenditures under agreed Eligible Expenditure Programs (EEPs) (see annex 1).