Eligible Expenditures. 1. Subject to Article 8.7 of the Regulation, eligible expenditures of this Programme are:
(a) management costs of the Programme Operator in accordance with the detailed budget in the financial plan;
(b) payments to projects within this Programme in accordance with the Regulation, this programme agreement and the project contract.
2. Eligible expenditures of projects are those actually incurred by the Project Promoter or project partners, meet the criteria set in Article
Eligible Expenditures. 1. Subject to Article 8.7 of the Regulation, eligible expenditures of this Programme are:
(a) management costs of the Programme Operator in accordance with the detailed budget in the financial plan;
(b) payments to projects within this Programme in accordance with the Regulation, this programme agreement and the project contract.
2. Eligible expenditures of projects are those actually incurred by the Project Promoter or project partners, meet the criteria set in Article 8.2 of the Regulation and fall within the categories and fulfil the conditions of direct eligible expenditure set in Article 8.3 of the Regulation, the conditions regarding the use of standard scales of unit costs set in Article 8.4 of the Regulation as well as indirect
Eligible Expenditures. E.1.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein the Agreement, Eligible Expenditures shall only include those direct costs that are considered, in the Province’s and Canada’s sole and absolute discretion, to be directly necessary for the successful completion of the Project, and must be properly and reasonably incurred and paid to an arm’s length party as evidenced by invoices, receipts or other records that are satisfactory to the Province and Canada, in their sole and absolute discretion, and that are associated with the acquisition, planning, environmental assessments, design and engineering, project management, materials and construction or renovation of the Project. Eligible Expenditures exclude costs set out as Ineligible Expenditures in section E.2.1 below, but may include:
(a) The incremental costs of the Recipient’s staff or employees provided that:
(i) The Recipient is able to demonstrate that it is not economically feasible to tender a Contract that ensures the acquisition of the required goods or services at the best value for money; and
(ii) The arrangement is approved in advance in writing by the Province and Canada.
(b) Any costs that are determined by the Province and Canada, in their sole discretion, to be Eligible Expenditures; and
(c) Notwithstanding section E.2.1(a) of this Schedule, expenditures related to the Project associated with completing climate lens assessments or associated with Aboriginal consultation and engagement activities, if applicable, that were incurred after February 15, 2018.
Eligible Expenditures. 1. Subject to Article 8.7 of the Regulations, eligible expenditures of this Programme are:
(a) management costs of the Programme Operator in accordance with the detailed budget in the financial plan;
(b) payments to projects within this Programme in accordance with the Regulations, this programme agreement and the project contract.
2. Eligible expenditures of projects are those actually incurred by the Project Promoter or project partners, meet the criteria set in Article 8.2 of the Regulations and fall within the categories and fulfil the conditions of direct eligible expenditure set in Article 8.3 of the Regulations, the conditions regarding the use of standard scales of unit costs set in Article 8.4 of the Regulations as well as indirect costs in accordance with Article 8.5 of the Regulations.
3. The first date of eligibility of expenditures in projects shall be set in the project contract in accordance with Article 8.13 of the Regulations. The first date of eligibility of any pre-defined projects shall be no earlier than the date on which the National Focal Point notifies the Donors of a positive appraisal of the pre-defined projects by the Programme Operator in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 6.5 of the Regulations.
4. The maximum eligible costs of the categories referred to in paragraph 1 are set in this programme agreement. Programme specific rules on the eligibility of expenditure set in this programme agreement shall be complied with.
Eligible Expenditures. A. Costs that are necessary expenditures incurred due to public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19);
B. Costs that were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act) for the State or local government; and
C. Costs that were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020.
Eligible Expenditures. (a) the payment is for the financing of the reasonable cost of goods, works, services or grants required for the Project, to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan and procured, in the case of goods, works and services, all in accordance with the provisions of the Legal Agreements;”
Eligible Expenditures. The Recipient may withdraw the proceeds of the Advance in accordance with the provisions of: (a) Article III of the Standard Conditions; (b) this Section; and
Eligible Expenditures. 1. Subject to Arncle 7.6 of the Regulanon, eligible expenditures of this Programme are:
a. management costs of the Programme Operator in accordance with the detailed budget in the financial plan;
b. payments to projects within this Programme in accordance with the Regulanon, this programme agreement and the project contract;
c. expenditure of funds for bilateral relanons in accordance with Article 7.7 of the Regulation;
2. Expenditure related to the categories referred to in subparagraphs (d), (e) and (f) of Arncle 7.1 of the Regulanon are eligible in accordance with Chapter 7 thereof if such expenditures are explicitly approved by the NMFA in the programme decision. The implementanon of the acnvines under these categories shall be in compliance with the operational rules.
3. Eligible expenditures of projects are those actually incurred by the Project Promoter or project partners, meet the criteria set in Arncle 7.2 of the Regulanon and fall within the categories and fulfil the condinons of direct eligible expenditure set in Arncle 7.3 of the Regulanon as well as indirect costs in accordance with Arncle 7.4 of the Regulation.
4. The first date of eligibility of expenditures in projects shall be set in the project contract in accordance with Arncle 7.14 of the Regulanon. The first date of eligibility of any pre-defined projects shall be no earlier than the date on which the Nanonal Focal Point nonfies the NMFA of a posinve appraisal of the pre-defined projects by the Programme Operator in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 5.5 of the Regulation.
5. The maximum eligible costs of the categories referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 are set in the programme decision. Programme specific rules on the eligibility of expenditure set in the programme decision or in the operanonal rules shall be complied with.
Eligible Expenditures. 3.1. For Bank-executed activities, the Trust Fund funds may be used to finance:
(a) staff costs (excluding short term consultants and temporaries);
(b) short-term consultants and temporaries
(c) contractual services;
(d) equipment and office premises lease cost;
(e) media, workshops, conferences and meetings; and
(f) travel expenses.
3.2. For purposes of this paragraph 3: (i) “staff costs (excluding short term consultants and temporaries)” includes salaries, benefits and the Indirect Rate charged to the Trust Fund as applicable under Bank policies and procedures; and (ii) “short term consultants and temporaries” includes fees and the Indirect Rate charged to the Trust Fund as applicable under Bank policies and procedures.
Eligible Expenditures. No expenditure or charges shall be eligible for reimbursement that are contrary to the provisions of this Agreement or not required for the carrying out of the project.