Eligible locations definition
Examples of Eligible locations in a sentence
What the grant money can be used for 115.1. Eligible activities 115.2. Eligible locations 115.2.1. Project remoteness classification and your grant amount 125.3. Eligible expenditure 126.
Eligible locations for the MCC program include all unincorporated areas of Riverside County as well as the city limits of participating cities.
Eligible locations are those lacking access to internet service of at least 100 megabits per second downstream and 20 megabits per second upstream, (commonly written as 100/20 Mbps), from at least one (1) internet service provider.
Eligible locations are:• Workplaces: Charging infrastructure stations must be primarily used by employees;• Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs): Infrastructure in parking spaces at the residence where people live.
Eligible locations and habitat types are those consistent with guidance provided in the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Science Update (2015) and Subtidal Habitat Goals Report (2010).Funding Amount: Approximately $23.5 million annually through 2037 ($500 million over 20 years).Timing: Next grant round will be announced in September 2018 with applications due in November 2018.