ELL definition
Examples of ELL in a sentence
ELL students without sufficient proficiency in English are not required to take the grade 8 ELA test.
English Language ArtsPerfor mance of English Language Learners (ELL)English language learners (ELL), formerly referred to as limited English proficient (LEP), are students for whom English is a second language.
This may include, but is not limited to, students with disabilities, English language learners (ELL), homeless youth, and low-income students.
Title I Focus SchoolTitle I school with a (1) low graduation rate (regardless of plan type), and/or (2) Turnaround or Priority Improvement plan type with either (or both)(a) low-achieving disaggregated student groups (i.e., minority, ELL, IEP and FRL) or(b) low disaggregated graduation rate.
Title I Focus SchoolTitle I school with a (1) low graduation rate(regardless of plan type), and/or (2) Turnaround or Priority Improvement plan type with either (or both)(a) low-achieving disaggregated student groups (i.e., minority, ELL, IEP and FRL) or(b) low disaggregated graduation rate.