Examples of ELL in a sentence
In some instances, a school may choose to begin the year with slightly lower enrollment in classes in which a teacher has an English as a Second Language (ESL) endorsement to accommodate English Language Learners (ELL) who enroll after the school year begins.
ELL E-12 Language Arts 6-8 Immersion Chinese 6-8 Immersion Spanish 6-8 Math 6-8 Science 6-8 Social Studies 6-8 Special Ed K-5 Special Ed 6-8 *Teachers will work 5 extended days beyond their regular duty days as part of the stipend.
EXHIBIT “A” DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Literacy Footprints, a Guided Reading system designed for classroom teachers, intervention, ELL, Special Education teachers, and support staff who are teaching children to read and write.
If a school has more TESOL-endorsed teachers than ELL groupings and uses a rotation as suggested above, teachers on an improvement plan or intensive evaluation would not be eligible to participate.