Examples of ELL in a sentence
By January 15, 2018, the District will submit to OCR for review and approval a copy of its evaluation for the 2016-2017 school year, including all underlying data, and any modifications made to its ELL program as a result of the evaluation.
Within 30 days of issuing the notice described above, the District will submit to OCR for review and approval a report identifying: (a) the date the above- described notice was issued; (b) a list by name or identifying number of the ELL students receiving the notice; and (c) a list by name or identifying number of the ELL students opting out of the P/F grading system.
By September 20, 2017, the District will review, revise and/or develop, as necessary, its policies, procedures and practices (procedures) with respect to the assessment of English language proficiency levels of students whose primary home language is other than English (PHLOTE) to ensure that its procedures provide for timely assessment of whether each PHLOTE student needs English Language Learner (ELL) services.
The procedures will include an evaluation of its chosen ELL program with longitudinal data comparing ELL versus non-ELL students, and ELL students in the program versus ELL students not in the program.
By April 2, 2018, the District will conduct a review of its current grading practice for ELL students with respect to awarding of Pass/Fail (P/F) and identify any possible negative impacts of the P/F grades on ELL students.