Energy emergency definition

Energy emergency means a period of disruption of energy supplies which poses a serious risk to the economic well− being, health or welfare of the citizens of this state, as certified by executive order of the governor.
Energy emergency for Housing Division purposes means the household’s primary heating system is unsafe or inoperable during the winter months, or the household’s primary cooling system is unsafe or inoperable during the summer months.
Energy emergency means a lack of fuel or the imminent discontinuation of energy services supplied by a fuel vendor or utility vendor that will endanger health, safety, or welfare.

Examples of Energy emergency in a sentence

  • Energy emergency contingency funds generally are subject to the requirements applicable to LIHEAP block grant funds, but the contingency grant award letter should be reviewed to see if different requirements were applied.

  • Energy emergency contingency funds generally are subject to the LIHEAP block grant requirements, but the contingency grant award letter should be reviewed to see if different requirements apply.

  • This part is known as the "Energy Emergency Plan." Enacted by Chapter 295, 2013 General Session53-2a-902 Energy emergency plan.

  • Energy emergency preparedness is highly dependent on knowing who is responsible for what.

  • Energy emergency means a condition of danger to the health, safety, welfare or economic well-being of the citizens of the city, arising out of a present or threatened shortage or reduction of usable energy resources; also, any condition of substantial danger resulting from the operation of any electrical power generating facility, or the transport of any energy resource by any means whatsoever.

More Definitions of Energy emergency

Energy emergency means a situation where the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of the state is threatened by an actual or impending acute shortage in usable energy resources;
Energy emergency means an existing or imminent domestic, regional, or national shortage of energy or a price of energy that will result in curtailment of essential services or production of essential goods or the disruption of significant sectors of the economy unless action is taken to conserve or limit the use of the energy form involved and the allocation of available energy supplies among users or to increase the available supply of energy.
Energy emergency means a temporary statewide,
Energy emergency means a temporary statewide, regional, or local shortage of petroleum, natural gas, or liquid fuel energy supplies that makes emergency measures necessary to reduce demand or allocate supply.
Energy emergency means a temporary statewide, regional or local
Energy emergency means a condition of danger to the health, safety, welfare, or economic well being of the citizens of this state arising out of a present or threatened shortage of usable energy resources; also any condition of substantial danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of this state resulting from the operation of any electrical power generating facility, the transport of any energy resource by any means whatsoever, or the production, use or disposal of any source material, special nuclear material, or by-product material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 68 Stat. 919 (42
Energy emergency means a condition of danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of this state due to an impending or present energy shortage.