Examples of Environmental Impact Study in a sentence
Report on the Environmental Impact Study (Stage 1) of Alternative Airport Sites for Sydney.
An Environmental Impact Study has been submitted to governmental authorities for their consideration and required approval before the exploration licence can be converted to an exploitation concession which is required to carry out mining in the licence area.
On November 3, 2015 the Company announced the completion and filing, with the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MDDELCC), of an Environmental Impact Study for its Lac Guéret Project located in northeastern Québec.
Pacific Rim has the right to buy back the royalty for $1 million for the first 1.5% and $3 million for the second 1.5%, provided that at least one half of the royalty is acquired within six months of the commencement of commercial production.An Environmental Impact Study has been submitted to governmental authorities for their consideration and requires approval before the exploration licence can be converted to an exploitation concession which is required to carry out mining in the licence area.
Where new provisions are recommended by an Environmental Impact Study, a zoning by-law amendment shall be required to incorporate such provisions into this Zoning By-Law.