Permanent Cover definition
Examples of Permanent Cover in a sentence
This Permanent Cover will be considered as arable land when calculating your total area of arable land for your Greening requirements, including the area of EFA.If you have arable land registered for organic production or in organic conversion you may choose not to include this as arable land.Arable cropsLand with arable crops including temporary grass and land lying fallow which is claimed by the business.
E-mail subject heading should read “XXXX Annual Report – Permit TEXXXXXXX – IPP #XXX – NO Impacts.” Restoration Report for Temporary or Permanent Cover Change Impacts All IPPs with temporary or permanent cover change impacts must submit a restoration report when areas are considered by the Permittee to be fully restored to ABB habitat.
See the description of the Permanent Cover Program in International Institute for Sustainable Development;Making Budgets Green; I.I.S.D. (Winnipeg, 1994) pp.
Permanent Cover, Permanent Grassing for Non Permitted Resurfacing Projects and Temporary Cover by Seeding - The quantity of permanent cover, permanent grassing for non permitted resurfacing projects, and temporary cover by seeding is the ground surface area with acceptable vegetation or stand of cover and is measured by the one-acre (acre) unit, complete and accepted.Lime - The quantity of agricultural granular lime is the weight applied and is measured by the pound (lb), complete and accepted.
The Engineering Services Branch was in charge of designing dams and spillways, as well as geological and hydrological surveys.7 PFRA also ran a Permanent Cover Programme which encouragedlivestock production and the conversion of erosion-prone marginal land from annual crop production topermanent cover and grazing.