ESEP Deed definition

ESEP Deed means the deed made by the State and Clepco on or about the date of this agreement and providing for, amongst other things, the operation, maintenance, repair and tolling of the Exhibition Street Extension by Clepco.
ESEP Deed means the deed made by the State and Clepco on or about the date of this agreement and providing for, amongst other things, the operation, maintenance, repair and tolling of the Exhibition Street Extension by Clepco (as amended from time to time).7
ESEP Deed means the deed made by the State and

Examples of ESEP Deed in a sentence

  • Under the ESEP Deed, the requirement for consequential loss insurance shall be extended so as to apply in respect of loss of anticipated revenue and additional expense arising from prevention of access or egress due to loss or damage to the City Link.

  • If a change to the ESEP Specification is to be implemented under clause 7.7 of the ESEP Deed, the State has no liability to the Other Concessionaire for the change.

  • The State may only exercise its right of termination of the ESEP Deed because a party to that deed has become aware of such an EIS if it is also exercising its corresponding right of termination under the Concession Deed.

  • The parties to this Agreement (other than Clepco) are party to the Concession Deed.B. The State and Clepco are parties to the ESEP Deed.

  • Where the reference is to both the PS&TR18 and the ESEP O&M Requirements19, the term “Technical Requirements” is used; where the reference is to both the O&M Manuals20 and the ESEP O&M Manuals,21 the term “Manuals” is used and where the reference is to both the Concession Deed and the ESEP Deed, the term “Deeds” is used.

  • These personalities were not reported ‘mantra-style’ by employees but were a natural part of the way they worked and the way they went about delivering the promise.

  • The Company and the Trustee grant to the State an irrevocable non-exclusive licence to use, and sub-license others to use, the Proprietary Documentation (as defined in the Concession Deed) as it sees fit for the purposes and during the period for which it has been licensed to use certain documentation under clause 7.5 of the ESEP Deed.

  • If the ESEP Deed is terminated under clause 15.1 of that Deed or otherwise, the data and assumptions in the Base Case Financial Model and the Base Case Traffic Model must be amended to reflect the termination and the consequences of the termination.

  • Whilst Project Debt remains outstanding, compliance by the Company with its obligations under the Lending Documents with respect to the Maintenance Reserve Account (within the meaning of the Security Trust Deed) will satisfy Clepco's obligations under sub-paragraph 11.2(a)(i) and paragraphs 11.2(b) and 11.2(c) of the ESEP Deed, unless and until such obligations under the Lending Documents are no longer equivalent to or more onerous than the Company's or Clepco's obligations under those paragraphs.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, those costs are "Variation Costs".Subject to the foregoing, the State's only liability for a Variation under either Relevant Deed to any party to a Relevant Deed is its liability to Clepco (in the case of a Variation under the ESEP Deed) or to the Company and Trustee (in the case of a Variation under the Concession Deed) for Variation Costs, as agreed or determined under the Relevant Deed.

Related to ESEP Deed

  • Tax Deed means a tax deed prepared under section 379 and includes the title conferred by the registration of the tax deed.

  • Supplemental Deed means a deed supplemental to this Deed, executed by the Management Company and the Trustee, after seeking approval of the SECP, to modify, add to, alter and amend or amend and restate the provisions of this Deed or any other Supplemental Deed in such manner and to such extent as may be considered expedient for all purposes, which shall be consolidated, read and construed together with this Deed.

  • customs declaration means the act whereby a person indicates, in the prescribed form and manner, a wish to place goods under a given customs procedure, with an indication, where appropriate, of any specific arrangements to be applied;

  • Bareboat Charter means the bareboat charter agreement to be executed by the Effective Date by the Borrower as owner and the Charterer as bareboat charterer.

  • Privatization contract or “contract” means an agreement or

  • Accession Deed means a document substantially in the form set out in Schedule 6 (Form of Accession Deed).

  • LDA means a geographic area within the PJM Region that has limited transmission capability to import capacity to satisfy such area’s reliability requirement, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in connection with preparation of the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan, and as specified in Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 10.1.

  • Offtake Agreement means the offtake agreement dated May 13, 2008 with Glencore International AG pursuant to which the Company has agreed to sell in U.S. dollars to Glencore, and Glencore agreed to acquire, 100% of the V2O5 production at the Maracás Menchen Mine. The Offtake Agreement will terminate effective April 30, 2020. See “Description of the Business — Marketing and Distribution”.

  • Master Declaration means a written instrument, however named, (i) recorded on or after June 1, 1994, and (ii) complying with section 515B.2-121, subsection (e).

  • Trust Deed means the Trust Deed dated December 9, 2002 of UTI Mutual Fund.

  • Subordination Deed means any deed of subordination in the agreed form executed or, as the context may require, to be executed by either the Sponsor or a Shareholder or any of their respective Affiliates in favour of the Security Agent on behalf of the Finance Parties together with all deeds of accession entered into or to be entered into pursuant thereto. Subsidiary means, in relation to any company or corporation, a company or corporation:

  • SMME means small, medium and micro enterprises namely Exempted Micro Enterprises and Qualifying Small Enterprises

  • Wage Agreement means the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1988, as amended from time to time and any successor agreement.

  • Enterprise Agreement means an agreement certified under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) or approved under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW).

  • Annexure A means the Contractor’s tender to supply the Product or render the Services or works to JOBURG MARKET in terms of the scope of work and on the terms and conditions, pricing and payment terms set out therein.

  • Annexure B means a copy of JOBURG MARKET Supply Chain Management Policy in terms of which this Agreement and the bid was specified, evaluated, adjudicated and awarded.

  • Transportation Agreement means an agreement pursuant to the Tariff under which Transporter provides Transportation or other contract services to a Shipper.

  • Declaration Page The enclosed document that forms a part of this Service Agreement, listing important information regarding You, Your Property and other vital information.

  • General Assignment means, in relation to a Ship, a general assignment of the Earnings, the Insurances and any Requisition Compensation in the Agreed Form;

  • Master Trust Deed means the Master Trust Deed dated 8 October 1997 between the Issuer and the Manager, as amended from time to time.

  • Licence Agreement means an agreement (whether or not in writing) between the owner of student accommodation and a student giving a licence to which this section applies to the student;

  • Sponsor Letter Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Deed of Charge means the English law deed of charge that may be entered into between the Guarantor and the Representative of the Covered Bondholders (acting on behalf of the Covered Bondholders and the Other Creditors);

  • Framework Agreement means the Clauses of this Framework Agreement together with the Framework Schedules and annexes to it;

  • Operating Agreement means this Operating Agreement as originally executed and as amended from time to time.

  • CFA Charter means the charter earned through the Chartered Financial Analyst program prepared and administered by the CFA Institute and so named on the day this Instrument comes into force, and every program that preceded that program, or succeeded that program, that does not have a significantly reduced scope and content when compared to the scope and content of the first-mentioned program;