ESEP Deed definition
Examples of ESEP Deed in a sentence
Under the ESEP Deed, the requirement for consequential loss insurance shall be extended so as to apply in respect of loss of anticipated revenue and additional expense arising from prevention of access or egress due to loss or damage to the City Link.
If a change to the ESEP Specification is to be implemented under clause 7.7 of the ESEP Deed, the State has no liability to the Other Concessionaire for the change.
The State may only exercise its right of termination of the ESEP Deed because a party to that deed has become aware of such an EIS if it is also exercising its corresponding right of termination under the Concession Deed.
The parties to this Agreement (other than Clepco) are party to the Concession Deed.B. The State and Clepco are parties to the ESEP Deed.
Where the reference is to both the PS&TR18 and the ESEP O&M Requirements19, the term “Technical Requirements” is used; where the reference is to both the O&M Manuals20 and the ESEP O&M Manuals,21 the term “Manuals” is used and where the reference is to both the Concession Deed and the ESEP Deed, the term “Deeds” is used.
These personalities were not reported ‘mantra-style’ by employees but were a natural part of the way they worked and the way they went about delivering the promise.
The Company and the Trustee grant to the State an irrevocable non-exclusive licence to use, and sub-license others to use, the Proprietary Documentation (as defined in the Concession Deed) as it sees fit for the purposes and during the period for which it has been licensed to use certain documentation under clause 7.5 of the ESEP Deed.
If the ESEP Deed is terminated under clause 15.1 of that Deed or otherwise, the data and assumptions in the Base Case Financial Model and the Base Case Traffic Model must be amended to reflect the termination and the consequences of the termination.
Whilst Project Debt remains outstanding, compliance by the Company with its obligations under the Lending Documents with respect to the Maintenance Reserve Account (within the meaning of the Security Trust Deed) will satisfy Clepco's obligations under sub-paragraph 11.2(a)(i) and paragraphs 11.2(b) and 11.2(c) of the ESEP Deed, unless and until such obligations under the Lending Documents are no longer equivalent to or more onerous than the Company's or Clepco's obligations under those paragraphs.
For the avoidance of doubt, those costs are "Variation Costs".Subject to the foregoing, the State's only liability for a Variation under either Relevant Deed to any party to a Relevant Deed is its liability to Clepco (in the case of a Variation under the ESEP Deed) or to the Company and Trustee (in the case of a Variation under the Concession Deed) for Variation Costs, as agreed or determined under the Relevant Deed.