Examples of Ethics review committee in a sentence
In Sri Lanka approval from Ethics review committee (ECR), and (if necessary) Sub-Committee on Clinical Trials (SCOCT) will be gained before study initiation.
Ethics review committee approval and/or any other required reviews of the study protocol by specific committees will be obtained in accord with applicable national and local regulations.
Yamamichi (Eds.), Information and Communications for development 2012: maximizing mobile (Vol.
All research involving human participation in its many forms, including interviews and the completion of questionnaires, requires clearance from your institution’s Human Ethics review committee.
Institutions that conduct HSR require an IRB (internal or external): > Ethics review committee required by Federal Regulations [45CFR46] and FDA regulations [21CFR50] that reviews and monitors biomedical and behavioral research involving human subjects > Has the authority to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove research.
The experiments were performed with the ethical approval of the Ethics review committee (Ethikkommission der Medi- zinischen Fakultät Heidelberg, Alte Glockengießerei 11/1, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany).
The study proposal was reviewed and approved by the departmental Research and Ethics review committee (DRERC no.
Ethics review committee Continuing review submission requirements ERC.
A Code of Ethics review committee, consisting of the President/Chief Investment Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer or their designees will review and consider any proper request of an Associate for relief or exemption from any restriction, limitation or procedures contained herein consistent with the principles and objectives outlined in this Code.
The barge and landing craft ramp will consist of a 10-foot high bulkhead constructed from cement blocks at the toe of the facility, which will then be backfilled with quarried rock to a 5% grade back to the access road.