Evaluation Report means that document which becomes a part of the employee’s personnel file.
Evaluation Criteria means the criteria set out under the clause 27 (Evaluation Process) of this Part C, which includes the Qualifying Criteria, Functional Criteria and Price and Preferential Points Assessment.
Site evaluation means a comprehensive analysis of soil and site conditions for an OWTS.
Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Standards means the accessibility standards for electronic and information resources contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 213.
Clinical evaluation means a systematic and planned process to continuously generate, collect, analyse and assess the clinical data pertaining to a device in order to verify the safety and performance, including clinical benefits, of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer;
Evaluation Team means the team appointed by the City; “Information Meeting” has the meaning set out in section 2.2;
Criminal history record information means records and data collected by criminal justice agencies
Project Management Report means each report prepared in accordance with Section 4.02 of this Agreement;
Electronic and Information Resources means information resources, including information resources technologies, and any equipment or interconnected system of equipment that is used in the creation, conversion, duplication, or delivery of data or information. The term includes telephones and other telecommunications products, information kiosks, transaction machines, Internet websites, multimedia resources, and office equipment, including copy machines and fax machines.
Technical Report means a report prepared and filed in accordance with this Instrument and Form 43-101F1 Technical Report that includes, in summary form, all material scientific and technical information in respect of the subject property as of the effective date of the technical report; and
Evaluation rubric means a set of criteria, measures, and processes used to evaluate all teaching staff members in a specific school district or local education agency. Evaluation rubrics consist of measures of professional practice, based on educator practice instruments and student outcomes. Each Board of Education will have an evaluation rubric specifically for teachers, another specifically for Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals, and evaluation rubrics for other categories of teaching staff members.
Geotechnical report or "geotechnical analysis" means a scientific study or evaluation conducted by a qualified expert that includes a description of the ground and surface hydrology and geology, the affected land form and its susceptibility to mass wasting, erosion, and other geologic hazards or processes, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of the proposed development on geologic conditions, the adequacy of the site to be developed, the impacts of the proposed development, alternative approaches to the proposed development, and measures to mitigate potential site-specific and cumulative geological and hydrological impacts of the proposed development, including the potential adverse impacts to adjacent and down-current properties. Geotechnical reports shall conform to accepted technical standards and must be prepared by qualified professional engineers or geologists who have professional expertise about the regional and local shoreline geology and processes.
information folder means the complete folder, including the information document, file, data, drawings, photographs, and so on, supplied by the applicant, it being permissible to supply the information folder in the form of an electronic file;
rights management information means any information provided by the copyright owner or the holder of any right under copyright which identifies the work, the author, the copyright owner or the holder of any intellectual property rights, or information about the terms and conditions of use of the work, and any numbers or codes that represent such information.
Risk assessment means a programme to determine any risk associated with any hazard at a construction site , in order to identify the steps needed to be taken to remove, reduce or control such hazard;
Market Analysis means a technique used to identify market characteristics for specific goods or services “National Treasury” has the meaning assigned to it in section 1 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);
accessible format copy means a copy of a work in an alternative manner or form which gives a beneficiary person access to the work, including to permit the person to have access as feasibly and comfortably as a person without visual impairment or other print disability. The accessible format copy is used exclusively by beneficiary persons and it must respect the integrity of the original work, taking due consideration of the changes needed to make the work accessible in the alternative format and of the accessibility needs of the beneficiary persons;
Independent educational evaluation means an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the public agency responsible for the education of the child in question.
Information Page means https://indices.vontobel.com.
Evaluation means an appraisal of an individual’s professional performance in relation to his or her job description and professional standards and based on, when applicable, the individual’s evaluation rubric.
Root Cause Analysis Report means a report addressing a problem or non-conformance, in order to get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem, which thereby assists in correcting or eliminating the cause, and prevent the problem from recurring.
Evaluation and treatment facility means any facility which
Sustainability Report means the annual non-financial disclosure form according to the GRI Standard for Sustainability Reporting publicly reported by the Borrower and published on an Internet or intranet website to which each Lender and the Administrative Agent has or has been granted access free of charge.
Forensic analysis means the practice of gathering, retaining, and analyzing computer-related data for investigative purposes in a manner that maintains the integrity of the data.
contact information means information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number of the individual;
Keeping information confidential means using discretion in disclosing information as well as guarding against unlawful or inappropriate access by others. This includes: