Excess Capacity Charge definition

Excess Capacity Charge means in relation to a Supply Point, the charge which will apply to all Supplied Electricity consumed by you at the Supply Point during any month in which the supply to the Supply Point exceeds at any point during the month the level of capacity that has been agreed for the Supply Point by the Distribution Network Operator or Transmission System Operator or for Supplied Electricity that we have undercharged you because we have been provided an inaccurate view of the correct Available Capacity at the Supply Point, or because you failed to tell us it changed, and which shall be charged at the following rate:
Excess Capacity Charge means in relation to a Supply Point, the charge which will apply to all Supplied Electricity consumed by you at the Supply Point during any month in which the supply to the Supply Point exceeds at any point during the month the level of capacity that has been agreed for the Supply Point by
Excess Capacity Charge means in relation to a Supply Point, the charge which:

Examples of Excess Capacity Charge in a sentence

  • Storage Reservation Charge $ per Dth of MSQ Storage Injection Charge $ per Dth Injected Storage Withdrawal Charge $ per Dth Withdrawn Excess Injection Charge [Negotiable] Excess Withdrawal Charge [Negotiable] Excess Capacity Charge [Negotiable] Title Transfer Charge [Negotiable] Cycles Plus any other Taxes, Regulatory Fees and Charges, as applicable, pursuant to Section 4 of Rate Schedule FSS.

  • The Company will exclude the following charges from its price and will pass- through at cost: • Reactive Power Charge • Excess Capacity Charge • Availability Charge; and • Transmission Charges (will be calculated monthly and added to your current monthly bill).

  • The Excess Capacity Charge will not apply to cable pairs identified in the forecasted amount.

  • Commissioner Steeb requested the Excess Capacity Charge report include last year’s data going forward.

  • The Excess Capacity Charge will not apply to cable pairs identified in the Forecasted amount.

  • For each new water meter connected to the AuthorityCharter Customer’s Unit System since the last Excess Capacity Charge was paid to the Authority, the AuthorityCharter Customer shall pay a fee equal to $294.00 multiplied by a factor determined by the size of meter to be installed.

  • The AuthorityCharter Customer further agrees that all funds, excluding interest, accumulated in the Water Supply Capacity Charge Account established by it shall be used semi-annually on dates established by the Authority to pay the Excess Capacity Charge owed by the AuthorityCharter Customer to the Authority.

  • The sum of all excess capacity fees for all new water meters shall equal the Excess Capacity Charge which must be paid by the AuthorityCharter Customer to the Authority.

  • A Subsequent Customer’s total Excess Capacity Charge shall equal the sum of all charges on all water meters served by the Subsequent Customer, plus interest.

  • Every Subsequent Contract shall require the Subsequent Customer to pay to the Authority an Excess Capacity Charge to recover Fixed Costs from the Subsequent Customer for excess capacity built into the Authority’s Waterworks System and any other facilities paid for with Bonds.

More Definitions of Excess Capacity Charge

Excess Capacity Charge means a charge for instances when the Agreed Capacity has been exceeded. Expressed in pence per kilovolt ampere (kVA) per day, which is set by the Network Operator and passed through from the Network Operator to the Customer by Crown Gas & Power.
Excess Capacity Charge is equal to $300 per kilowatt, Subject to CPI Adjustment on each anniversary of the Commencement Date.
Excess Capacity Charge means in relation to a Supply Point, the charge which will apply to all Supplied Electricity consumed
Excess Capacity Charge shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(B).

Related to Excess Capacity Charge

  • Available Capacity means the capacity from the Project, expressed in whole megawatts, that is available to generate Product. [For As-Available Product facilities only]

  • Base Capacity Resource Price Decrement means, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, a difference between the clearing price for Base Capacity Resources and the clearing price for Capacity Performance Resources, representing the cost to procure additional Capacity Performance Resources out of merit order when the Base Capacity Resource Constraint is binding.

  • Contracted Capacity means the capacity (in MW AC) contracted with MSEDCL for supply by the successful bidder at the Delivery Point from the Solar Power Project.

  • Project Capacity means the AC capacity of the project at the generating terminal(s) and to be contracted with MSEDCL for supply from the Solar Power Project.

  • Final RTO Unforced Capacity Obligation means the capacity obligation for the PJM Region, determined in accordance with RAA, Schedule 8.

  • Daily Unforced Capacity Obligation means the capacity obligation of a Load Serving Entity during the Delivery Year, determined in accordance with Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 8, or, as to an FRR entity, in Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 8.1. “Day-ahead Congestion Price” shall mean the Congestion Price resulting from the Day-ahead Energy Market.

  • Base Capacity Resource means a Capacity Resource as described in Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5.5A(b).

  • Installed Capacity or 'IC’ means the summation of the name plate capacities of all the units of the generating station or the capacity of the generating station (reckoned at the generator terminals), approved by the Commission from time to time;