Examples of Expansion Area in a sentence
Map IV-3 sets out the Municipal Plan land use district designations for the South West Expansion Area, the access points for future development of lands north of Kenmount Road and the conceptual internal road network.
If the Avalon East School Board ultimately determines that a new school(s) will not be required to serve the residents of the South West Expansion Area, then the site may be redeveloped for another purpose under the “Institutional” designations of the Municipal Plan and the St. John’s Development Regulations.
The North Mist Compressor Station, shown in Appendix 3, is located within the North Mist Expansion Area.
Trails SystemWhere appropriate and feasible, walking trails will be constructed to link individual areas within the South West Expansion Area to each other and to other trail systems outside the area.
The South West Expansion Area, which makes up the majority of Planning Area 9, includes lands along both sides of Kenmount Road and Thorburn Road (north to the Outer Ring Road), and the lands between Kenmount Road and Thorburn Road.