Examples of F Shares in a sentence
For full calendar years through December 31, 2014, the performance of the Fund’s Class F Shares is shown.
The Fund may also pay a performance fee to the Manager in respect of Series A and Series F Shares of the Fund.
F Shares were offered to investors commencing on July 17, 2000, except for CI Short-Term US$ Sector Fund which does not offer F shares.
Classes F Shares are reserved to Institutional Investors who have entered into a specific agreement with the Management Company.
The management fee is an annualized rate of 2% plus taxes based on the Transactional NAV of the Series A Shares and 1% plus taxes based on the Transactional NAV of the Series F Shares, and is accrued daily and paid monthly as a percentage of the month end Transactional NAV in accordance with the terms of the management agreement for the Fund.
Investment into Classes F Shares shall require the consent of the Management Company.
Assumes the Company issues only Class A Shares and no Class D, Class E or Class F Shares under this Offering.
The respective number of Class D Shares, Class A Shares, Class E Shares and Class F Shares actually issued under this Offering will be decided by the Company, such that the total number of Class D Shares plus the total number of Class A Shares plus the total number of Class E Shares plus the total number of Class F Shares issued under this Offering will be no greater than 25,000,000.
Assumes the Company issues only Class F Shares and no Class A, Class D or Class E Shares under this Offering.
The Manager does not pay these fees in connection with the sale of Class D or Class F Shares.