FCT Regulations definition

FCT Regulations means the regulations governing the FCT entered into on 21 May 2014 between the FCT Management Company and the FCT Custodian in accordance with Articles L.214-167 to L.214-189 and Articles R.214-217 to R.214-232-I of the French Code monétaire et financier as amended and supplemented from time to time.
FCT Regulations means the regulations governing the FCT initially entered into between the FCT Management Company and BNP Paribas S.A. (in its capacity as initial custodian of the FCT) on 10 June 2008 in accordance with Articles L. 214-24, I.- and II.-, L.000-000-0 to L. 214-175, L.000-000-0 to L.000-000-0, L. 214-180 to L. 214-186, L. 231-7 and R.214-217 to D.214-240 of the French Code monétaire et financier as amended and/or supplemented from time to time, including as amended and restated on or about the Effective Time, and as from the Effective Time, the custodian shall be BNP Paribas.
FCT Regulations means the regulations governing the FCT initially entered into between the FCT Management Company and BNP Paribas S.A. (in its capacity as initial custodian of the FCT) on 10 June 2008 in accordance with Articles L. 214-24, I.- and II.-, L.214-166-1 to L. 214-175, L.214-175-1 to L.214-175-7, L. 214-180 to L. 214-186, L. 231-7 and R.214-217 to D.214-240 of the French Code monétaire et financier as amended and/or supplemented from time to time, including as amended and restated on or about the Effective Time, and as from the Effective Time, the custodian shall be BNP Paribas.

Examples of FCT Regulations in a sentence

  • The present call is governed by the FCT Regulations for Research Fellowships approved by the Regulation no.

  • The present call is governed by the FCT Regulations for Research Fellowships approved by the Regulation nº n.º 950/2019, the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (approved by Law no.

  • Selected applicants will be awarded monthly stipends and supplementary support, which may include tuition fees, relocation costs, travel awards and health insurance, whenever applicable, as detailed in the FCT Regulations.

  • The Notes, the relevant FCT Notes, the Interest Amounts, the relevant Partial Amortisation Amounts and the FCT Regulations are governed by and will be construed in accordance with French law.

  • All claims and disputes in connection with the Notes, the relevant FCT Notes, the Interest Amounts, the relevant Partial Amortisation Amounts and the FCT Regulations shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris (Tribunal de Commerce de Paris).

  • The assets of the FCT shall also comprise any other sums or assets which the FCT might also receive or obtain in any manner whatsoever by operation of law or in accordance with these FCT Regulations and/or other agreements it has executed or may execute.

  • The Class A Notes, the Interest Amounts, the Principal Payments and the FCT Regulations are governed by and will be construed in accordance with French law.

  • The Revolving Period is the period during which the FCT is entitled to acquire Eligible Receivables from the Seller and to issue further Notes, in accordance with the provisions of these FCT Regulations and the Master Receivables Transfer Agreement.

  • The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the commercial court of Paris, France to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or in connection with these FCT Regulations.

  • The FCT may issue, from time to time, Class A20xx-y Notes and Class B Notes, on the Closing Date and on any Monthly Payment Date falling within the Revolving Period, in accordance with, and subject to, the terms of this FCT Regulations.

More Definitions of FCT Regulations

FCT Regulations means the regulations of the FCT dated on or about the Signing Date, made between the Management Company and the Custodian. File means, for any Purchased Receivable and the corresponding Ancillary Rights and Related Security:
FCT Regulations means the constitutive document of the FCT setting out its objects and how it is to operate.
FCT Regulations means the regulations governing the FCT initially entered into between the FCT Management Company and BNP Paribas S.A. (in its capacity as initial custodian of the FCT) on 10 June 2008 in accordance with Articles L. 214-24, I.- and II.-, L.000-000-0 to L. 214-175, L.000-000-0 to L.000-000-0, L. 214-180 to L. 214-186, L. 231-7 and R.214-217 to D.214-240 of the French Code monétaire et financier as amended and/or supplemented from time to time, including as amended and restated on or about the Effective Time, and as from the Effective Time, the custodian shall be BNP Paribas Securities Services. “FCT Residual Units” mean one hundred (100) residual units issued by the FCT on 24 July 2008 which are held as follows on the Signing Date: ninety-nine (99) by the Issuer and one (1) by Hertz Holdings Netherlands B.V. “FCT Servicer” means the French Lender or such subsequent servicer which may be appointed as servicer of the FCT by the FCT Management Company pursuant to the relevant terms of the FCT Transfer and Servicing Agreement. “FCT Statutory Auditor” means Deloitte, in its capacity as statutory auditor of the FCT pursuant to the FCT Regulations or, as the case may be, any other institution which would be subsequently appointed as statutory auditor in accordance with the terms of the FCT Regulations. “FCT Transfer and Servicing Agreement” means the transfer and servicing agreement entered into between the FCT Management Company, the French Security Trustee, the FCT Custodian and the FCT Servicer on or about the Signing Date as amended and/or supplemented from time to time. “FCT Transfer Deed” means the transfer deed (acte de cession de créances) in the form of the schedule to the FCT Transfer and Servicing Agreement, to be delivered on the Closing Date by the French Lender to the FCT Management Company, acting in the name and on behalf of the FCT in accordance with the relevant provisions of the FCT Transfer and Servicing Agreement. “French AAA Component” means each of:

Related to FCT Regulations

  • WHFIT Regulations Treasury Regulations section 1.671-5, as amended.

  • Conduct Regulations means the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003;

  • UCITS Regulations means the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective

  • 1934 Act Regulations means the rules and regulations of the Commission under the 1934 Act.

  • CREST Regulations means the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No. 01/378), as amended.

  • EP Regulations means The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2016 No.1154 and words and expressions used in this permit which are also used in the Regulations have the same meanings as in those Regulations.

  • TRADES Regulations means the regulations of the United States Department of the Treasury, published at 31 C.F.R. Part 357, as amended from time to time. Unless otherwise defined herein, all terms defined in the TRADES Regulations are used herein as therein defined.

  • SEBI Regulations means the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 together with the circulars issued thereunder, including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in force.

  • Exchange Act Regulations means the General Rules and Regulations under the Exchange Act.

  • CFTC Regulations means the rules and regulations promulgated by the CFTC, as amended.

  • SAFE Rules and Regulations means collectively, the Circular 37 and any other applicable SAFE rules and regulations.

  • the 2000 Regulations means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000(b); "the 2001 Regulations" means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001(c);

  • PPPFA Regulations means the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 published in terms of the PPPFA.

  • OHS Regulation means the Workers Compensation Act (British Columbia), including without limitation, the Occupational Health & Safety Regulation (BC Regulation 296/97, as amended by BC Regulation 185/99) enacted pursuant to such Act, all as such Act or Regulations are amended or re-enacted from time to time.

  • Radio Regulations means the Radio Regulations annexed to, or regarded as being annexed to, the most recent International Telecommunication Convention which may be in force at any time.

  • the 1997 Regulations means the Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossing Regulations 1997.

  • Procurement Regulations means, for purposes of paragraph 85 of the Appendix to the General Conditions, the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers”, dated November 2020.

  • ISA Regulations means The Individual Savings Account Regulations 1998, as amended or replaced from time to time.

  • 1933 Act Regulations means the rules and regulations of the Commission under the 1933 Act.

  • EEA Regulations means the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006.

  • SEBI ICDR Regulations means Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018, as amended;

  • TUPE Regulations means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, as amended.

  • relevant regulations means any requirements contained in the regulations, rules, guidelines and policies of the Competent Authority, or of the European Parliament and Council then in effect in the Republic of Italy, relating to capital adequacy and applicable to the Issuer and/or the Group from time to time (including but not limited to, as at the Issue Date of the relevant Series of Notes, the rules contained in, or implementing, CRD IV and the BRRD, delegated or implementing acts adopted by the European Commission and guidelines issued by the EBA).

  • 1940 Act Rules and Regulations means the rules and regulations of the Commission under the 1940 Act.

  • CDM Regulations means the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

  • the 2002 Regulations means the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002;