Examples of FERPA Compliance in a sentence
See Section 15 below on FERPA Compliance and Disclosure for additional examples.
If this section does not apply to your research, replace the instructions below with “N/A”)(Complete this section if student records will be accessed.)If data (beyond directory information) will be obtained from educational records for the purposes of research, review your protocol along with WORKSHEET: FERPA Compliance (HRP-331).
See HRP-331 - WORKSHEET - FERPA Compliance for additional guidance.
If student records—other than publicly available directory information—will be accessed for the research, review your protocol along with Toolkit HRP-331 WORKSHEET: FERPA Compliance.
New employees are provided a FERPA Compliance Statement and are required to sign an Employee Acknowledgement and Certification Form that indicates they understand FERPA policy.
If student records—other than publicly available directory information—will be accessed for the research, review your protocol along with Toolkit HRP-331 - WORKSHEET - FERPA Compliance.
The University Registrar has been designated as the FERPA Compliance Officer for the University.
See Appendix – FERPA Compliance The Contractor agrees to the attached FERPA and Privacy Provisions, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference and are applicable to student records covered under FERPA, including but not limited to information maintained in vendor’s system.
Registrar: The Registrar reports to the Provost/VPAA and is responsible for all activities related to course registration and for the accuracy and security of student academic records and FERPA Compliance.
The Associate Dean of Enrollment Services is designated as the FERPA Compliance Officer.