Filled area definition

Filled area means areas within a unit where CCDD or uncontaminated soil has been placed as fill material.
Filled area means the area within jurisdictional waters which is elimi- nated or covered as a direct result of the discharge (i.e., the area actually covered by the discharged material). It does not include areas excavated nor areas impacted as an indirect effect of the fill.
Filled area means an area in a Great Lakes water filled before August 8, 1989, pursuant to a fill authorization.

Examples of Filled area in a sentence

  • Filled area primitives: Inside and outside tests,Scan line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms.

  • Antialising, Area filling: Filled area primitive: Scan-line Polygon Fill Algorithm, boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm.UNIT-2: 2-D Transformation, viewing, Clipping: Two-dimensional Transformations: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection, shear, matrix representation of all homogeneous coordinates, composite transformations.

  • Bresen K D P ¶ V & L U F O H G U D Z L Q J D O drawing, mid point circle drawing algorithm; Filled area algorithms: Scanline: Polygon filling algorithm, boundary filled algorithm.

  • General details for the Fiberglass Debris area are: • Filled area, irregular shape approximately 1 acre total, fill depth ~ 2-7 ft, samples of fill (mixture of debris and soil) exceed MTCA B standards.

  • Figure II-4Background Standard Areawide Fill Properties adjacent to river or stream Property Boundaries Filled area which extends over large area (with Department approval may be used as background reference area)Area of soil contamination from release on property = point of compliance An example of contamination that may have occurred through airborne transport may have occurred comes from the time when leaded gasoline was commonly used in automobiles.

  • L Unit-1: Introduction to Computer Graphics: What is Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Applications, Computer Graphics Hardware and software, Two dimensional Graphics Primitives: Points and Lines, Line drawing algorithms: DDA, Bresenham’s; Circle drawing algorithms: Using polar coordinates, Bresenham’s circle drawing, mid point circle drawing algorithm; Filled area algorithms: Scanline: Polygon filling algorithm, boundary filled algorithm.

  • The highest sex ratio of all local government areas was 104.27 for Denpasar Municipality while the lowest sex ratio was Klungkung Regency at 97.77.

  • For future processing there is necessary extract this features [9]:• Area of the object.• Filled area of the object - area of the object with holes.• Center of mass position.• Major and minor axis length.• Eccentricity.• Bounding box coordinates.• Convex hull and convex area.• Solidity - quotient of the area and the convex area.• Boundary - vector of boundary points.• Mean Color and average color.• Perimeter.

  • Filled area: back- ground estimated with same lepton sign and |Q| = 3 events, multiplied by a factor of 5 for visibility.

  • Figure II-4Background Standard Areawide Fill Properties adjacent to river or stream Property Boundaries Filled area which extends over large area (with Department approval may be used as background reference area)Area of soil contamination from release on property = point of complianceAn example of contamination through airborne transport may have occurred when leaded gasoline was commonly used in automobiles.

More Definitions of Filled area

Filled area means areas within a unit where CCDD has been placed as fill material.
Filled area means the area taken up by structures such as pilings and docks, or by filled-in areas that were previously submerged.

Related to Filled area

  • Covered area means the geographical area described in the solicitation from which this contract resulted;

  • Leased Area means the Crown land referred to in, subclause (1) of clause 9 hereof; [“mineral lease”] 4

  • Licensed Area means the area in which the Licensee is authorised to

  • Carpet Area means the net usable floor, area of an Flat/Apartment, excluding the area covered by the external walls, areas under services shafts, excluding balcony or verandah area and exclusive open terrace, but includes the area covered by the internal partition walls of the flat/apartment;

  • Blighted area means an area in which a majority of buildings have declined in productivity by reason of obsolescence, depreciation or other causes to an extent they no longer justify fundamental repairs and adequate maintenance.

  • Enclosed area means all space between a floor and ceiling that is contained on all sides by solid walls or windows, exclusive of doorways, which extend from the floor to the ceiling.

  • Restricted Areas means (i) all areas within a Facility that are not generally accessible to the public, including judges’ xxxxxxxx, all non-public restrooms, elevators, break rooms, and corridors, in-custody holding, Sheriff areas and other non- public spaces that are dedicated for use only by judges or Court staff and employees, and (ii) public areas of a Facility during non-business hours that are subject to security screening during normal business hours.

  • Restricted Area means an area, access to which is limited by the licensee or registrant for the purpose of protecting individuals against undue risks from exposure to sources of radiation. Restricted area does not include areas used as residential quarters, but separate rooms in a residential building may be set apart as a restricted area.

  • specified area (“ardal benodedig”) means an area which is specified in a condition to the service provider’s registration as a place in relation to which the service is to be provided;

  • Disturbed area means an area where the ground cover is destroyed or removed leaving the land subject to accelerated erosion.

  • Secured Area means an area to which only authorized representatives of the entity possessing the Confidential Information have access. Secured Areas may include buildings, rooms or locked storage containers (such as a filing cabinet) within a room, as long as access to the Confidential Information is not available to unauthorized personnel.

  • Area means the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.